Chapter 9: SPIDERS!!!!

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*The beginning will be in Calum's pov for a bit, but then switch to Lucas*

"Sometimes I just wonder... Vaginas or Dicks? Buttholes, or boobs?"


Calum's pov

It seemed like the days kept passing by fast. School was nearly over, and wham! Another week had passed, and it was Thursday. We all had our little crew. Luke was on my back again, fast asleep.

Michael and Ashton were on either side of me, glancing at each other, and texting. I tried to read their text messages, but they had caught onto me, and leaned away every time I tried to peek.

"If Luke wasn't asexual, I bet he would have been dating you by now!" Michael said happily. I saw that he was done texting Ashton, and was busy texting Abigail.

He had texted her,

"Miss you too baby. I am counting the seconds without you!"

I mentally barfed, and Luke would have too.

"Nah, I don't think so. Besides, I'm not Luke's type."

"He lets you touch him, and trusts you to give him piggy back rides, and not drop him," Ashton replied.

"Hey, its about Mashton, not us. So, are you two going to kiss yet? Seriously, me and Luke could like post that on Facebook, and just tell the school how we were right about Mashton."

"In your dreams Chimmychong!" Michael snapped.

"Aye! That's my nickname for him!" Luke said, bolting awake.

He didn't have his lip ring in, and he looked so adora-


Calum stop it.

He's your best friend, and you have a girlfriend! Idiot!

"Let's go to my place for Pizza!"

We all cheered, and Michael was already running to my car. That boy and pizza I swear.


We arrived at my house, and Luke threw himself onto the couch. Michael and Ashton tried to sit in chairs away from each other, but Luke met my gaze. He got up, and grabbed the chair Michael was gonna sit in, and I grabbed Ashton's.

We yanked the chairs back.

"Hey! What the fuck?" Michael shouted.

"You two are going to sit on the couch, watch TV, and talk to each other!" I demanded.

"What if we don't?" Ashton whispered.

"I screen-shotted your guys' messages. Just keep that in mind," Luke chuckled.

They both turned bright red laughed, then turned away from each other cutely.

Seriously, they were getting to a point where now, when they were awkward it was cute. I turned on the TV, and flipped to Frozen.

"For the first time in forever... Michael will suck Ashton's dick!" Luke sang.

"They'll be married before we know it!" I sang back. Then we joined together.

"Cause for the first time in forever!" We sprang on the couch, until Ashton and Michael hit us with pillows, and we fell onto couch. The end of it anyway.

"You two, give me pain," Michael groaned.

"Isn't that Ashton's job for when he fucks y-" I began.

"I ship it!"(Mashton/Cake)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat