Prologue: Bleached Canvas

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And as for that one person who did not fear him,

Was the prince himself, and the said prince was already a little idiot by default.

"Eren, I'm counting to three." Levi said sounding very incensed. "One.."

Levi loudly and impatiently tapped his foot on the carpet guarded floors, soft padding sounds echoed in the otherwise silent room and then followed by his deepening voice, "Two.." He glared at the wall, the unfortunate wall that simply stood and had done nothing. "Don't make me say three, Eren..!"

Soft giggles resounded in the room,

Silver eyes widened at the direction of where it came from, he cursed inwardly. His head snapping up and in his otherwise stone complexion, a hint of worry and apprehension lacing behind his irises as he found his charge.

Hanging atop a chandelier.

Well shit.

"You found me!" The boy giggled he was already dressed and his hair appeared to still be slightly damp from his bath. "As always!" Levi grew very frigid seeing the prince hanging up upside down--how the fuck could he have gotten there!?

There was a rope that tightly knotted around the boy's waist, and it looped on one metal arm of the elegantly curved flower chandelier. Levi made a mental note never to let the boy have access to ropes ever again. The young man's pulse skyrocketed when the boy's eyes shone that very familiar glint again. It was mischief.

Another thing Levi dreaded most because it usually doesn't end very well, for him at least. "Eren, no." He glared at the jovial youngster who's simply giving him a heart attack. At this rate Levi is pretty much sure he'll die young of a heart attack one day.

"Eren, yes!" Eren chimed, untying himself of his safety rope.

"Eren, dammit! Listen to me for once--You little-" If Eren lives through this, he'll kill him. "--Eren, fuck no!"

"Eren, hell yes!" The boy giggled and launched himself at the man fearlessly.


A loud thud echoed in the quiet hallways of the palace interrupting the work of two maids, in charge with polishing the floor, they both paused and stared at the empty halls ahead.

"What was that Nina?" The blonde maid mumbled warily, eyes darting around.

"I dunno, think the rumors were true about the halls being haunted?" The other maid who had black hair grinned, her statement successfully shaking up her companion.

"Stop saying that! It's not funny!" The other huffed and turned away. "Just keep working darn it!" The raven haired girl just giggled and nodded.

The two simply continued their work, abandoning the subject. Today was a big day and guests would be wandering about the castle several hours from then on.


Grunting, Levi pushed himself up halfway resting his upper body's weight on his elbows. He narrowed his eyes at the grinning boy resting on top of him, the little bastard. Eren rested his chin over his folded arms as he rested on Levi's abdomen, his eyes were shining brightly with unspoken glee. "You caught me again.." He mumbled his grin softening up to a sincere gentle smile.

"Indeed I did.." Levi growled out, his back slightly stinging from his backward fall. "I might let you fall next time though, you little fucker."

Eren laughed and hooked his arms around Levi's strong neck, snuggling on the adolescent's chest. "You always say that, silly! But you never do it!" His little heart thumped happily being so close to his guardian; he liked this position the most really especially after pulling a stunt. He would listen to Levi's quickened heartbeats that would begin to calm a minute later.

Repainting A Blank Canvas - [Riren/Ereri]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora