Chapter Eight: Auditions

Começar do início

"Good afternoon students.", Mrs. Ernestine, the Physics teacher says. "Today we will be doing a project on elements and compounds that you will need to be divided into pairs for. So wait for your name to be called.", She said.

I groaned silently in my head. I hate group projects. I always end up doing all the work.

"Cassandra and William. Table 1.", She started listing groups. At least I'm not with Will. Poor Cassandra.

"Kendall and... Zoey, table six.", She said.

What!! I didn't even know Zoey Dashwood was in this class. Why must I be partnered with Zoe of all people. I would rather be paired up with Will. And that's saying something.

I looked over to table six and saw Zoe's blonde hair taking a seat. I reluctantly stood up and walked over to the table.

"Hi Kendall. I'm Zoe, John's girlfriend. You're his foster sister, right?", She said kindly. "Yep. Nice to meet you.", I said as nicely as I could.

"You too. So let's get started on the project.", Zoe said.

Zoe was surprisingly nice. I expected her to act like Hannah, but she was really nice and smart. I didn't have to do all the work by myself, and she was pretty great. And she was pretty.

I want to be able to hate Zoe, but she's just too wonderful.

Ugh. Why must this be so frustrating?


The end of the day bell rang and my worries came back to me at full force. For the first time ever I wanted to stay in Madame Angeline's French class.

I started to shake with nervousness. I grabbed my bag and walked out the class and into the bathroom.

I really needed to calm down. If I didn't stop shaking than I definitely wouldn't get picked.

I splashed water on my face, hoping that I would become calm. "Everything's going to be fine.", I whispered to myself repeatedly.

My shaking decreased and I decided that it would be best if I left the bathroom and make my way to the auditorium.

I walked down the hall to my locker and found Will waiting there.

"What are you doing here.", I asked slightly annoyed. "There you are. I've been waiting for forty minutes. Where were you? It doesn't matter. Hurry up Kenny. Don't want to be late.", He says grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door.

Crap. I need to get out of here before he forces me to go to that stupid party.

"Wait. I need to get something from my locker.", I lied to him. "Fine. Hurry Kenny.", He said. "Don't call me that.", I ordered him. "Call you what, Kenny?", He asked with a grin. "Yes.", I answered him. "Whatever you say...Kenny.", he said.

I ignored him and focused on how I would escape. I opened my locker. Will was looking down at his phone. This was a good time.

I slammed the locker door shut and took off running in the other direction. I flung open the other door and bolted across the courtyard and into the Musical Arts building.

Whew. I got away. I almost had to go to a terrifying high school party and miss auditions. That would really suck.

I quickly walked down the hallway and out the back door of the Musical Arts building. I scurried across the sidewalks behind the major buildings and toward the auditorium behind the buildings. I arrived five minutes before four o'clock.

Things Happen | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora