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Chapter 32

(Go it Alone by Beck)

Sleep was something that I haven't done in a total of three days. I may have been in bed, but I didn't shut one eye. I'm perfectly fine with not sleeping because if I sleep my mind will most likely dream about things I don't want to dream about. It's not hard to stay awake anymore. It feels natural, and I feel as if I could go the rest of my life without sleep. Besides, who needs rest anyway? It's for the weak.

This particular morning, I did not feel like laying in bed. I managed to roll my bum ass out of bed and head down the stairs. I wasn't surprised when everyone stopped what they were doing to stare. I understand; they haven't seen me in days.

"Here darling, have some eggs." Maggie held out a plate which I reluctantly took. I wasn't exactly hungry. The thought of food actually made me want to vomit.

"Come sit by me." Beth smiled, patting the chair next to her. However, Carl was sitting directly across from it.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna go eat outside. I haven't seen the sun in days so..." I stifled a laugh, backing out of the room. I made my way to the front door and exited the house. I wasn't surprised to find Daryl sitting on the porch steps making new arrows. I sighed, sitting next to him. We sat in silence, and I watched him as he sharpened his hand made arrow. His face was scrunched up and he had beads of sweat dripping down his neck. He was so focused on what he was doing. That is until an unwanted visitor came walking our way. My breath hitched, and Daryl's facial expression changed.

"What the hell do you want?" He growled, standing up.

"I need to talk to Anna-"

"The hell- go away! Get now. Before I shoot this arrow in your ass!" Mark looked at me with his sad, puppy dog eyes as he backed away from the house. Once he finally left, my breath returned to normal. Daryl sat down next to me, patting my back.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. Perfect actually." I smiled tightly at him.

"Explains why you dropped your eggs." He scoffed, getting up. I looked down at the broken plate and scattered eggs with shards of glass in them. At least now I had an excuse not to eat them.

Once again I was left alone, and I honestly didn't mind. If I had to, I would spend another year by myself and not shed one tear. The thought of being alone seems easier than the thought of dealing with my problems.

Rick came walking down the sidewalk, and he did not look happy. "Group meeting. Now." He spat. I got up quickly, following him inside the house. He nearly slammed the door on me. Everyone stopped what they were doing when they noticed him standing here. Rick waited until he got everyone's attention before he spoke. He was fuming. He looked like he wanted to rip someone's throat out.

"The wreck wasn't an accident. These bastards set it up on purpose. They knew where we all were and they've been tracking us since we were in Georgia. I don't know how they've even managed to find us or why they chose us, but I don't wanna stick around to find out."

"What?" Maggie questioned.

"Yeah Rick. You're not making any since here." Glenn piped in.

Rick sighed. "Look, I know it's a lot to take in, but you've got to hear me out. The wreck seemed a little suspicious to me. Why would the tire suddenly blow out? So I got to thinking about how those people would know the exact moment the accident occurred. I mean, I knew they were tracking us, but how would they be able to get news back that quickly about the accident?"

"I'm still not seeing where you're going with this." Glenn, as well as everybody, began to grow impatient.

"I went out to inspect the scene. I found evidence of broken pieces of tire spikes scattered everywhere. Guess they weren't smart enough to clean up after themselves."

Daddy's Little Girl (Walking Dead/ Carl Grimes)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora