Chapter Two

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: Words Don't Come So Easily by Lower Than Atlantis


Stella pushed me forwards gently and I stumbled before cursing at my own clumsiness. Zack Merrick laughed at me, as a deep crimson creeped onto my cheeks.

"Sorry." He grinned. "I didn't mean to laugh. How are you?" He said in his deep voice.

"I-I'm good." I choked, walking closer to the table. A smile creeped onto my face and I handed him my letter. "Oh this is for you."

"That's awesome thanks." He said as he placed it on the floor next to his chair. He signed my CD and we took a picture together before he gave me a hug and I was hurried onto the next person. Rian. A similar conversation was had with him. He asked about my job and who I'd come here with. I gestured to Stella who was talking animatedly with Zack and grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Thanks so much for coming to hang out with us today!" Rian said as he released me from a tight hug. I smiled again and nodded, not sure how to respond and yet again I was moved onto the next person, Jack.

"Hey!" Jack practically yelled.

"Hi!" I replied enthusiastically.

"What's your name?" He asked, still yelling.

"Holly!" I replied, talking louder than normal but not as loud as him.

"That's awesome!" He grinned, lowering his voice to its normal volume. My emotions spiked again and I started getting emotional. I'd managed to hold back my tears when talking to Zack and Rian but now holding them back seemed an impossible task. They spilled and ran quickly down my face. "Aw, why are you crying?" Jack asked, standing up to hug me.

"I just can't believe I'm meeting you guys. I've looked up to you for longer than I remember and this a dream come true." I said, my voice wobbled slightly as I was embraced by him. He laughed and squeezed me gently.

"Please don't cry, we're just people like you. Seriously don't freak out." He said, releasing me slowly and sitting back down. He signed my CD and i gave him my letter before we said goodbye and I got ready to be introduced to Alex. I moved along to where he was sat and looked at Stella who was being hugged by Jack. I looked forwards and my green eyes met a pair of brown ones. My breath hitched in my throat and I smiled.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm meeting you." I smiled, my eyes were still filled with tears and he smiled back.

"Hey there! What's your name?" His voice was deeper than I'd expected. I tried to remember my own name as I was lost in his eyes. After I didn't respond he cleared his throat, snapping me out of my daydream and making my cheeks burn.

"Holly." I replied, looking at the floor and wiping my eyes.

"Like our song!" He chuckled as he signed my CD. I laughed and nodded.

"My best friend is called Stella." I smiled, gesturing to her. She was being embraced by Jack who kept looking her up and down.

"That's awesome." He grinned, signing my CD. I smiled again and cleared the lump from my throat.

"I um, I have a letter for you." I said. He nodded and held out his hand before I handed it to him.

"Thanks. Do you mind if I read it now?"He asked, looking back up at me with those deep brown eyes again that I kept getting so lost in.

"Uh, sure why not." I shrugged. The letter I'd written was personal. I hadn't even let Stella read it and she was my best friend so I had no idea what to do whilst the guy I'd looked up to read it in front of me. I could see his reaction to everything. The small smiles that formed on his lips when he'd read something he thought was funny, the way his eyes squinted as he tried to make out my large curly handwriting and finally the tears that formed in his eyes and the sadness on his face when he reached the end of my letter which contained the deep stuff, like how they'd saved me. He stopped reading and looked up at me.

"Oh gosh, don't cry." I said when a couple of tears escaped his eyes, although I was crying too.

"Come here." He smiled, wiping his eyes and holding his arms out to me. I smiled a little and hugged him. I took a couple of shakey breaths and he rubbed my back gently. "You're so brave. I'm really proud of you Holly." He murmured. I nodded, the lump growing in my throat was making it impossible to reply. He pulled away after a couple of seconds. His eyes were no longer watery or red and there was no evidence to suggest that he'd been crying at all. Me however, I had red puffy eyes and my face was all patchy however Alex still smiled and looked at me as if I still looked fine. He was being more polite and sympathetic then I'd ever imagined he would be. I'd been expecting the whole meet and greet to be a huge mess around. I'd never in a million years expected to see Alex cry. He looked at the security, it was obvious we were running out of time together but Stella looked like she was having alot of fun with Jack who had his eyes glued to her slim body. I rolled my eyes before Alex drew my attention again. There was no denying it, he was so much more attractive in person. His brown eyes were warm and friendly and his voice was deep and inviting. I shook my head, clearing thoughts from my head. Nothing like that would ever happen.

"Look Holly, we don't have much time left so write down your Twitter, I'll follow you tonight and I should be able to talk after the show. I'd really like to get to know you better." He said, shoving a piece of paper and an orange sharpie across the table. I started writing before looking up.

"You're kidding?" I laughed. He shook his head, before a confused expression crossed his face.

"No, why?"

"Don't worry." I replied, my voice shook again as I finished writing and handed him back the Orange pen and the paper.

"Thank you." He replied before we took a photo together and I was moved away from the table. I watched Stella talk to Alex for a few minutes before she walked towards me, took my hand and we walked outside together squealing and giggling like teenagers. I didn't tell her what had happened with Alex, I decided to keep that to myself for now.

It was 12am when my phone buzzed, indicating I had a notification. Stella and I were sat on my couch eating pizza and drinking hot chocolate which I'd added whipped cream and mini marshmallows to. I picked up my phone whilst Stella continued to whine about her ex boyfriend Mark, who she'd broken up with the week before.

"Holly hun, what movie shall we watch?" She asked, scrolling through Netflix and taking another bite from the pizza slice in her hand.

"I don't mind." I sighed as i unlocked my phone and checked my notifications. It was a Twitter notification and suddenly my heart began to race in my chest. I checked Twitter and almost choked on hot chocolate.

One new follower. It was Alex.

I was about to close the app when I got a message. I gasped whilst Stella tried to decide between a Spiderman or Batman movie.

The message was from Alex. I opened it eagerly and took a couple of deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself and stop my hands shaking.

ALEX: Hey :) x

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