Chapter Thirty-Nine- Get Gone

Start from the beginning

"Is everyone here? Is everyone safe?" Nightingale asked, helping those who were still half-asleep get onboard Sphere, who had unrolled into her biggest super-cycle mode yet.

"Good girl." I whispered.

"For now." Arsenal answered Nightingale.

"And the crystal key?" Nightwing asked.


Nightwing groaned.

Arsenal jerked a finger over his shoulder, "And we better get gone too, before they declare a winner!"

"Right, move out!"

I shuddered as I watched Black Beetle continue to fight Mongul. I quickly helped Bridget and Bart get in with Tammy and Virgil before hopping in the driver's seat behind Connor. Carefully, Sphere took off. Emma and M'gann flew behind to make sure we weren't followed, and that no one got left behind.

We got back to the bioship without much incident, and by then everyone was feeling much more alert. But still, Connor insisted on helping me walk up the ramp.

"Let go!" I insisted, wrenching my arm from his grasp, "I can take care of myself."

"I'm sorry." His words, so gentle and full of sincere apology, made me stop abruptly, rubbing my wrists nervously.

"I-I'm sorry for yelling at you. And Nightwing. It wasn't your fault."

"You're just saying that." I said bitterly, folding my arms.

"No. Willow, I mean them." I looked at my feet for a moment, embarrassed. The next time I looked up, I smiled.

"Quit trying to help me walk, and we'll call it even."

"Deal." He broke into a smile, and kissed my cheek. I hugged him tightly.

"Look who's talking!" Karen's cry interrupted our apology moment.

"That last thing I remember was you opening and airlock without warning!" She accused Arsenal. "Nearly got us all killed and absolutely guaranteed our capture!"

"Hey, after eight years on ice there was no way I was getting grabbed again!" He snapped back, marching up to Karen. "And in case you hadn't noticed, my escape resulted in you being free now to stand here and complain. So how about a thank-you?"

Nightwing and Nightingale, who'd been thanking the Runaways for their help, shared a look, thinking the same thing.

"You're right, Arsenal, thank you." Emma walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Nightwing was not as gentle as she was, however. "And after we get back to Earth, you're off the team."

"What!?" I launched myself at Nightwing to defend my brother, but Connor held me back.

"Wait, if it wasn't for Arsenal we wouldn't have rescued anyone!" Virgil plead.

"That may be, but this isn't the first time Arsenal has pulled this kind of stunt." Nightwing said stiffly, referring to the Lexcorp mission where Arsenal blew up the Reach lab before the team could escape.

"Please, give him another chance!" I begged. This was for Roy, Red Arrow, could they not see that? Roy was their brother too!

Nightwing glared at me, "This isn't our Roy." His cold blue eyes seemed to say.

"I'm sorry, but he's endangered the lives of his team in order to further his own agenda or guard against his own personal demons. It's unacceptable, so until you can prove yourself a team player, have no place on this team." Emma said, genuinely sounding sorry. I grit my teeth and sighed.

"Now let's get on board and get out of here. We can discuss this further when we're not behind enemy lines!" Richard and Emma started up the ramp.

The Runaways looked at each other warily. "Sounds like there's nothing left to discuss."

"See, we don't need your help getting back to Earth, or want to join your team. We have our own way of doing things." Virgil said defiantly.

"Whatya say, bro, wanna ride with us?" The offered Arsenal.

He grinned. "Sounds like a plan"

I took a step after him as he joined the Runaway's cluster. "Roy, wait-" then I saw what the Japanese girl had in her hand.

"Is that a-?" Connor started, but he was cut off as Roy and the others disappeared in a crash of light.

I gasped and looked at Connor.

"Father Box?"

He nodded gravely. "Father Box."


"You didn't have to kick him off the team."

"Willow, you're being completely unreasonable." Emma said as she angrily stomped after me.

I was searching the Watchtower for Captain Atom to petition him to have Arsenal stay on the team. After we found where he and the Runaways had portaled to, that is. Emma was following me, trying to stop me.

"I made a promise to Roy, Emma! He trusted me! Both of them did!" I opened and shut another door, still with no success in finding Captain Atom.

"Fine," Emma crossed her arms, "Say he comes back and pulls another stunt like that. Except this time, one if the team doesn't make it our. Like Connor, or Mara!"

"Hey Emma, hey Willow!" Captain Marvel gave us both a cheerful wave as we passed him.

"You don't know that!" I snapped, ignoring Billy. "But he deserves another chance! Did you kick me off the team when I nearly killed everyone?"

Emma shot me a sharp glare. "Willow. That was Pyro." She said sternly, stopping in the middle of the hall.

"So? That was still me! That was something I did! But you gave me another chance, didn't you?" I asked.

"No!" Emma stomped her foot on the floor of the Watchtower, and I could feel the air bristling with electricity.

"Willow. That was completely different than Arsenal's case. Pyro is another person entirely. You had no control over her."

"Have." I muttered quietly. I saw Emma's eyes widen and realized my blunder.

"No, I mean- I didn't..."

Emma took me by the shoulders, blue eyes meeting violet. "Willow, is Pyro still there, in your head?"

I looked down, but I didn't need Scarlett's prompting to tell the truth.


Emma took a step back, covering her mouth.

"Willow..." she was too shocked to say anything.

I looked at her. Both of us were trying to hold back tears. Trying and failing.

I reached under my goggles to wipe away my tears as Emma began to shake.

"It's okay," I told her, "I'm fine."

Emma grabbed me in a hug. "I should be the one saying those things to you."

We stood there in the hall, rocking back and forth as we both cried.

"I am so sorry." I said, squeezing my eyes shut.

"I'm sorry too." Emma choked.

"Water, fire, air, which one? Water, fire, air, all gone!"

"You know Pyro," I gritted my teeth, "I don't know if you noticed, but I really hate having you in my head."



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