Chapter One

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: Migraine by Twenty One Pilots.


The hot stuffy room was filled with the excited squeals and chatter of hundreds of All Time Low fans. Everyone had been anticipating this meet and greet for months and my best friend and I knew we were incredibly lucky to be here. Teenage boys and girls stood in their friendship groups talking excitedly and standing on tip toes, trying to catch a glimpse of the boys before they met them. The group of tall, blonde haired girls wearing hardly any clothing and too much makeup in front of me started screaming. The irritating and high pitched noise emitting from their mouths drew unwanted attention in my direction as I stared uncomfortably at the floor before looking up to see why they were screaming. Jack Barakat was stood up and looking in our direction, specifically at the girls in front of me.

"Holly! Holly look Jack's looking at us!" My best friend, Stella, breathed. She gripped my hand with strength I didn't know she even possessed and shifted her gorgeous auburn hair off of her shoulders. Stella was everything I wanted to be. She had beautiful hair and bright blue eyes that contrasted her fair skin perfectly. Freckles littered her face and arms and even though she hated them, I loved them. Stella's waist was small and her chest and thighs were perfectly symmetrical. She looked good in everything she wore, especially the outfit she'd chosen today. The ivory crop top, which was only a few shades lighter than her skin, hung loosely on her shoulders and showed off her curvy figure. On her lower half she had a tight fitting skirt that hugged her figure and ended in the middle of her thighs and on her feet were her usual sky blue converse.

"No Stella, he's probably looking at the people in front of us or you." I sighed, flicking my long brown hair away from my face. Stella rolled her eyes and frowned.

"Don't put yourself down all the time Holly, it's not right." She scolded before grinning at me and pulling me in for a tight hug. "Can you believe we're about to meet All Time Low?!"

"Stella, it's all you've talked about for weeks!" I laughed, hugging her back and breathing in her familiar floral scent. She giggled and kissed my forehead, leaving a small pink smudge barely visible under my thick dark hair.

"What are you going to say to them?" She asked, releasing me from our embrace and taking my hand. I shrugged and looked round to the front of the line. We'd been queuing for at least three hours already and I was getting a little fed up of waiting. We were fairly close to the front now. From the looks of things we had Maybe half an hour of queuing left. My heart began to pump faster and my emotions spiked as I prepared myself to meet the people who had helped save my life.

Three years ago I'd still been living at home with my loving, eccentric mother and my workaholic father. I'd been suicidal for months and on my 21st birthday I decided enough was enough. I had the usual argument with my father over dinner about why I didn't have a'proper' career before thanking my mother for the locket she'd given me, grabbing my jacket from the coat rail in the hall and storming out if the house. It had been raining heavily and I had to walk for atleast thirty minutes before I was where I wanted to be. I settled at the top of the bridge and climbed over the railings slowly. I pulled my phone from my pocket and put my music on shuffle. I wanted to play music as I fell, so I could have one last comfort. I was about to do it, my hands were steadied in position to push myself over the edge when I recognised the familiar song as my favourite by All Time Low. It brought tears to my eyes and I suddenly realised what I was doing. I panicked, and tried not to look down at the busy traffic underneath me as I climbed back over the railings and began to sob. The cold rain washed over my body, making me shiver and distracting me from the thoughts which were now beginning to scare me before I picked myself up and went back home. My mother was concerned when I came home soaking wet but said nothing until I came back to see her. We curled up on the couch together and spent the evening watching old, black and white movies.

"I'm not sure Stella." I replied, answering her earlier question. There was now only five or six groups of people in front of us and my nerves were beginning to take a toll on my body. My palms were sweating and I felt physically sick. Stella looked at me, concern all over her face. She placed the back of her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature. She frowned a little and hugged me again.

"Stop freaking out babe, you'll be okay." She soothed, rubbing my back. I shrugged and took a couple of mouthfuls from the water bottle in my left hand. I distracted myself for a while playing doodle jump on my phone until Stella jabbed my shoulder. I looked up and she gestured to the four men sat in front of me. I drew in a deep, shaky breath and pulled my letters and CD out from my bag. My dull green eyes made contact with four pairs of brown ones and I smiled slightly. It was my turn to meet All Time Low.


Soooo I'm writing a story, I know this probably isn't very good but I haven't edited properly. Let me know if you want me to continue :) Also I know I haven't got a cool cover yet but I'm working on it.

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