Chapter 25

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4 months later~

Ara's POV

"The time has arrived for me to exact my revenge on the very man who broke my heart."
"Your Majesty, shall we take our leave now?"
"No, we must plan this out. We must make sure not to get caught. We need some inside information about his castle." Sesshomaru banished me from his lands, before I could get a look around.
"There is that one man you spoke of, what was his name? Eron?"
"Eron? you mean that man I spoke to so long ago?"
"Yes, the prisoner, he was a former guard. He must know all the ways in and out of the castle!"
"That is true. I may need him to guide me."
That's right, I did speak to him. Accept we spoke about the twins rather than a plan. But he was right...I do need Eron's assistance. I must speak with him again.
I murmured a few spells and tried to contact him telepathically. I remembered finding him in the dungeons, locked up like and animal. Eventually I found him once again. His aura revolved around the last cell.
"You are Eron. Are you not?"
"What's going on? Who are you and why are you inside my head?!"
"My name is Ara...and-"
"I remember've come to me before."
"Yes...ive come to ask for your assistance."
"What do you want from me?"
"Id like to make a deal with you...."
"I'm listening..."
"I'll release you now from this cell, in exchange for Sonya."
"What does Sonya have to do with me? Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have the power to give Sonya over to you."
"That's not what I'm saying. What Im saying is I'll give you demonic power, but in exchange you must use that power to hand Sonya over to me."
"Do you not wish for your freedom?"
"I do...."
"Then do you accept my offer?"
he thought about it for a moment and I expected him to say no...but
"I will accept your offer."
"Very well then...."
I opened his cell and unlatched his chains. I left him a sword, and some poison and a piece of cloth. With these things he shall bring me my prize. For I shall exact my revenge.
"But Eron...."
"If you disobey"

Sonya's POV
I'm literally the biggest that I can get at this point. Especially with twins. My stomach has stretched so far out, I can even see my feet, and I walk kinda funny too. Sesshomaru says I should be resting, but if I stay in that room any longer, my head will burst into flames.

Speaking of Sesshomaru, he's been going out on patrols lately. Something about some demon nest on the outskirts of the forest. It must be huge since it's not gone yet.
Because I've been worried about what Eron had sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it. It haunts me, no matter how much I try and forget it. I thought that having someone to stand by me while Sesshomaru's out would make me feel better. So I messaged Koga asking if he could come and stay a few days. I was so released when he finally arrived.
*knock *knock *knock
I got up and swirled around to get the door. But as usual, Koga didn't wait around for me to open the door. He pretty much helped himself. He shocked me, busting through the door like that, he could of sent me into labor. Geez why bother knocking of your just gonna enter like that anyway!? But I was too happy to see him to stay mad.
His eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped. He stated for a long time. It's like he's never seen a pregnant woman before.
"This-you-you're-" he shuddered for words. It's was hilarious beyond compare.
"Yeeees?" He asked rather awkwardly
"What's wrong?"
He sighed then growled, clenching his fists and skidding the air.
"I can't believe that mutt did this to you, you look like you're gonna explode!"
"Psssh....its just what happens when you marry a demon lord. And besides, you're suppose to get bigger when you're carrying infants. Especially two of them. But rest assured, I don't think I'll get any bigger. They're supposed to come any day now." I looked back up at Koga. He looked so pale, like he was going to faint. "Umm Koga...maybe you should sit down."
"you're carrying two of them?"
"Yup, twins."
"Wow.." he stared into blank space
"So where's the mutt of a father anyways?" He snarled
"Stop calling him a mutt and he's out getting rid of a demon nest that's been growing."
"Why isn't he here with you, cant his men do that?"
"Well he wants to make sure that the pups can live a safe environment."
"Hmph. I think he should be here with you. So you're not alone."
"But I'm not alone. You're here with me."
"Ya cuz u called me!"
He seems like he doesn't want to be here. I lowered my head because I didn't want to anger him any more.
"I didn't just call you to babysit me, I also wanted you to be here when the pups come. You're my only blood related family I have. I thought you'd want to see them."
"Sonya...." he tried to comfort me, but I was too angered to even stay around. I stood up and power walked out of the room.
"My lady?" One of the maids asked as I zoomed by
"Just burning some steam, I'm alright."
Just power walking through the halls. Sesshomaru says its too risky to go outside. Normally I would do it, but I have two pups inside and I couldn't afford to loose them.
As I made my way to the eastern wing of the castle, I began to feel jittery. Like someone was watching me. This side seems so, cold and sad. I kept on walking, trying to ignore it.
"Think happy thoughts Sonya, happy thoughts." I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. But I was horrified when I opened my eyes.
The maids and guards of the eastern wing were all slaughtered. They were just lying there dead. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How did this happen. And why didn't I catch the scent of blood? I began to feel sick again and really dizzy. I sat down and tried to remain calm.
"Koga!" I called. I received no answer. Oh great, he probably went home after I stormed out. I was getting scared. Someone had been slaughtering the aids in this castle. Sesshomaru....hes not here.. I curled up against the wall and hid my face in my knees.
If someone was really in this castle...where? That was the scary thing. I don't know where this person is. I have to find a way to defend myself.
"M-my...La..dy." a voice cracked. I looked up to see one of the injured men. He was alive, but barely hanging on. "T-take this and r-run, before its to late...." he handed me his sword.
"Thank you....please tell me who did this."
"It was t-the -prisoner...." My eyes couldnt be.....Eron...
I stared back at the guard. His eyes averted from behind me. Someone was standing there..I could feel it.
"Run" he mouthed. I made no hesitation in running. I bolted as fast as my legs could possibly carry me, until I made it out to the garden. There, I hid behind the biggest rock I could find.
"Sonya!" A familiar voice called....Sesshomaru....
I peeked behind the rock and found him sniffing for me. Immediately, I got up and ran towards him.
"Sesshomaru!" I yelled, tears staining my face. His eyes filled with so much happiness and joy, only to have that happiness fade away. His eyes then filled with fear as he stared behind me, pulling out his sword. What was he? Oh no
"Sonya! Duck down!" He yelled
Everything moved in slow motion. Sesshomaru leaped towards me, holding his sword firmly. I crouched down as he landed behind me, attempting to swing at something. But he missed, he did swing at anything, just thin air.
He turned around to look at me, but he began to grow smaller. He reached for me, but he missed. I was being pulled away from his grasp. Someone had me instead. I turned my head and looked into his eyes.....Eron.....but how? No!? He had a cloth in his hand and attempted to put it over my mouth. I moved my head to take another look at Sesshomaru. I reached my hand out for him as he soared high into the air. He tried to reach for me once again, but he could only go so far.
"You're too late demon!"
"Sesshomaru!" Bad mistake, I opened my mouth and Eron saw his chance. He put the cloth over my mouth and slowly, my energy was gone. There was no strength left in me. Everything faded away and the last thing I saw was Sesshomaru's worried face.


I felt weak. And nauseous. My head hurt and my vision was blurry. I was on my back, I felt around for my surroundings and realized I was strapped to a stone table. Like in my dream.
I turned my head and saw the same ten men and the girl. But the figure lying on the table remained unknown, for I couldn't see. But if this was truly my nightmare, I had a pretty good idea it was Sesshomaru. No...
"Sesshomaru!" I screamed with tears overflowing my eyes
They all turned and looked in my direction and looked away. Accept the girl. She tore Sesshomaru's chains, but chained him against the wall to face me. He looked so sad. He had a muzzle on his face and was bound by his neck,legs and arms.
"Sesshomaru...." I whimpered. Oh right, he probably can't talk with that muzzle on his face.
"He can't talk to you now." Eron spoke, walking out the shadows
ya think I wouldn't have figured that out by now? Geez how stupid do you think I am? I was scared about what they would do with our pups.
"I really wish I didn't have to do this Sonya."
"You dont.."
"If only you loved me...."
Oh god he's still mourning over that? Get over it.
"You're doing this because I didn't love you?"
"Why else would I have a grudge against you?" He asked, walking up to the woman. "Ara has always loved me. I'd do anything for my mate."
Wait what!? Ara I behind all of this. Eron's her mate. How. When. Why. Ew. How could he-you know what. Not my business-I don't care.
"Why do you have a grudge against me?" I asked looking over to Ara
"You stole Sesshomaru from me and in return, you shall die."
"You were never even together!" I snapped
"But we were supposed to be!" Shes being a both so I'm deciding to be a bitch back.
"Key word...were...." she spit in my face. Ugh
"You hold your tongue! I will have those children of those, if it's the last thing I do!" She sneered. I gulped down my nervousness and looked over to Sesshomaru. He was just as scared as I was. But there was nothing we could do. I was going to loose them....

Forever with Lord Sesshomaru *not edited*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat