Chapter 17

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Okay guys. I must warn you...things get pretty smutty towards the end. Be prepared.

Shesshomru's POV

I woke up,it was me and Sonya.....she was crying on the ground, holding her stomach. I was far away somewhere. I tried to reach her..but my I couldn't move. I was trapped somehow and I wasn't able to reach her in time. After many times of trying, I finally broke free from my invisible grasp and made my way in her direction. When I got to her, she was lying on her side with her back to me. I kneeled down to her and rolled her over on her back. She was covered in blood. She took my hands and whispered some inaudible words. Then all of a sudden....she became still. I shook her a couple of times before realizing what was happening. I soon heard the soft,wailing cry of and infant child. Looking down, I picked it up and held it in my arms. It cried and cried, I couldn't stop it. The screams...the screams they were getting inside my head. A pounding sensation formed and blurred my vision. I held my head in pain as the screams continued.....

Beads of sweat trickled down my face as I sat up in bed. Panting, I turned to Sonya. I turned to make see she was was just a dream......She was sleeping peacefully, wrapped in her blankets.

I know what I was a child. Father said she would want something from me one day. And that was a child. But does she really want one? Do I want one? I couldn't take this anymore...I needed some air.

I got out of bed and walked to the balcony. I stared at the reminded me of father, how he used to howl at it when it was full. How I needed him right would be nice to speak with him one last time. I wish I had told him how much I loved him. The thing is, I never hated him, I truly loved him. But it would have been nice to know where he was running off to. There as so much I wanted to tell him. Goodbye would've been nice. But not all of us get opportunities like that.

Sonya's POV

I stirred, longing for Shesshomaru's warmth. He wasn't in bed. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times. The moon was shining bright upon the night. I saw Shesshomaru standing on balcony. His back was arched over and his arms leaned over the rims of the balcony. Something was troubling him.

I lifted the sheets off my body and walked over to him. Seeing his bare back and his broad muscles made me nervous. I also spotted some back freckles, which I thought were odd, but cute.

He was gazing at the moon, I don't even think he knew I was standing there. I just looked up at him and saw a soft man in a hard shell.

"He's so stubborn sometimes." I said to myself. I know he was thinking about his father even though he said he hated him. I don't really think he hates him. I just think that Shesshomaru needs to learn a bit of compassion, that's all.

When I turned to look back up at him, I saw two golden orbs, staring at me. They glistened in the moonlight, they were so beautiful. Man I wish I had golden eyes.

"Compassion?" He questioned

-- :/---he read my mind--:/----

That is rude. He can't just do that, he needs to learn respect too. Privacy is something we all need.

"Hey, you entered my mind while I was off guard....why you-"

"Sonya....what is it that you want?"

What do I want? For us to get to bed. That's what. I'm so tried. What did w mean though????


"if you know not of what I speak of, forget it."

I looked at my feet, confused. And a little lost. Anything I might want? Let me think.....what could-?

Forever with Lord Sesshomaru *not edited*Where stories live. Discover now