Chapter 11

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Shesshomaru's POV

For the past couple of weeks, I watched over Sonya and observed her actions. She never came back to the castle, she would just hunt of fish for food.
My father has been acting up lately. He's been leaving the castle a lot and when he's around he smells different, as if his scent has been changed or smothered with something else. It was weird. And when Id ask him about his behavior, he would snarl at me for no reason. He seemed off all the time. So I just left when he was around and watched over Sonya.
I missed her. I missed talking to her. I missed hearing her sweet voice. Her brown, sparkly eyes, I missed seeing my reflection in them. Her smile, the way her dimples would show when she smiled I missed it.....but I know she wouldn't forgive me just like that. Things like this need time. I could wait forever, it's just her I'm worried about. She didn't have forever️, for she was mortal. That's why she had to forgive me at some point.
I watched out for her the whole time she was away. By doing this, I figured out where she stayed. She was living in a cave behind a waterfall. I needed to make sure she was safe, even from me,no matter what the odds. I couldn't let myself loose control around her.
I remembered the moment I hit scared she was. And how my father pulled her out of the room. I regret that so much......
Today I brought Eve to the meadow of lilies to play. She liked the place for some reason. But today was different. I let Eve out and she darted for the meadow. I knew how important she was to Sonya, so I ran after her. But when I got there, she stopped at the hill, like she was watching something. I watched as her fluffy tail swayed back and forth in an exciting kind of way. She turned to me and jumped up and down. What has gotten into her? As I walked closer to her, she scurried down the hill. Again, running after her, I made it to where she was just moments ago. And I saw what she was all worked up about. She saw Sonya, she was sitting on a rock with her bow pulled back. She was hunting for fish. I noticed how her head jerked in Eve's direction,seeing movement in the grass, she pointed her bow a Eve, Not knowing it was her. For Eve was too small to be seen fully through the talk grass. To Sonya, the moving grass was a threat.
"Eve!!!!!!" I hollered
Sonya directed her attention to me. Putting down her bow, now knowing it was Eve coming her way.
Eve hopped out of the grass and into Sonya's arms. Sonya dropped her weapons and embraced her friend. Tears fell from her eyes as she hugged Eve more, planting kisses on her forehead.
"Eve, Im sorry I didn't come back!" She cried
I saw Sonya look up at me, it made me step back a little. I couldn't tell if she wanted me to come down or keep my distance. She set Eve on her shoulder and began walking up towards me. She stopped about three feet away from me.
She looked down at the ground and I saw a tear flow down her cheek.
Damn it! She's crying! No don't cry! Not now! Please stop! I placed my hand upon her cheek and whipped her tear away with my thumb. She looked up at me and hesitated. She froze.....she still thought I would harm her.......I pulled my hand away and stared at the sky.
"You do not have to return with me, if that is what you wish, neither you have forgive me for my actions."
"You have my forgiveness Shesshomaru, but not my trust. You will have to earn it back."
I was glad she forgave me, but still upset that she didn't trust me.
"How am I supposed to do that if you're never around?"
"You want me around?"
"yes.....but I don't want you to fear me any not going to hurt you."
I knew she didn't believe me, for I didn't have her trust.
"Will you return with me?" I asked
She looked over at Eve, she was wagging her tail. Sonya nodded and walked back home with me.
We didn't say a word to each other until we reached the castle.
"Where's your father?" She asked
"He's not around, he's been gone for weeks, he only comes back here to sleep, then he's off again."
She gave me a rather confused look. I shrugged
"I don't know where he's been, but it's wierd. When he comes back, he has a different scent. And he's so moody. He's always snarling at me when I ask him questions."
"You don't know where he's going....?"
"Not a clue, that's why I've had new guards available. The captain, Eron, he's the strongest of the men." I said showing her their training.
She seemed satisfied with their training. Especially with Eron's. This intrigued me, but not in a good way. Eron noticed us and walked over.

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