Chapter 3

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Sonya's POV
I shifted in something warm and soft. I extended my hand outward and felt it. It was a blanket....I opened my eyes, blinking the sleep away.
"I'm in Shesshomaru's room." I sleepily yawned "but where's Shesshomaru?" I wondered.
So I got up and opened the back door. revealing the forest side. The sunlight seeped beneath the tree leaves, leaving little trails of sun. I saw the white fur of my little Eve, run up a tree and land in Shesshomaru's lap.
"Good morning Shesshomaru!" I called to him. He turned his head and walked over to me. I hopped off the balcony to greet him.
"Morning,this little creature of yours, what is its name?"
I giggled "Her name is Eve."
"So that is her name."
Eve climbed up on his shoulders and rubbed against his face, giving off a purr sound.
"She really likes you Shesshy."
His ear twitched at the sound of that name, but he smiled after that.
"More than you?"
"What do you want to do today?" He asked
"Explore the forest." I shouted, raising one fist in the air.


As we walked, we came upon my father's grave. I began having flash backs....of me and my parents, that I've never remembered before. They were playing with me.......they were smiling and I was laughing. My father tickled my stomach and my mother kissed the tip of my nose.....we sat on top of a hill together, as a family, we were happy.....Then the pain hit me in waves, it never seemed to end. Tears flooded my eyes as I dropped to my knees and cried for them.....I missed them. It hurt so much, I would never see them again.........
Shesshomaru kneeled down next to me and hugged me as I cried into his kimono.
"You miss them......."
In a way I guess I did, but how did he know?
"Yes...." I said whipping my face " I'm sorry for breaking down like this."
"Though you hide your emotions well, you shouldn't bottle them up...."
"I wasn't hiding them at all. They just came to me...."
"That's odd.....are you alright now?"
"Yea, thanks."
As I stood, I heard a rustling noise, far behind the trees. Shesshomaru glared towards the sound and put me behind him, with his claws glowing bright. He sniffed the air and said
He swirled me around and we began running full speed towards the castle.
We were about to exit the line of trees, when it landed in front of us. It was a bear demon!!! And it wasn't happy.
"Stay back." he said reassuringly turning my way...but as he turned to look at me, the beast didn't hesitate to swing a paw.
"Shesshomaru look out!!!" I yelled, instinctively pushing him out of the way.
Everything seemed to be in slow motion...I felt a slight burning around my stomach area. I had taken the hit myself. I tuned to face Shesshomaru, his eyes were filled with sadness and anger. I looked up at my hand and it was covered in blood. I hesitated, breathing in a short breath, falling,backward,and Sesshomaru caught me. Everything became blurry and faded away. The last thing I saw was Lord Inu-no Tashio bolting out of the castle with his sword.....

Shesshomaru's POV
I had put her in danger and now she was hurt. She was dying and I'm just sitting around.
My father killed the demon with on sweep of his Tensiga and then he walked over to me, taking Sonya from my hands.....
He never replied, so I followed. He brought her to the healers. He set her limp body down on the table. She was so lifeless..............
Immediately they started working and my father pushed me out, girls only, accept him, he had healing powers and helped them out.
"She's regained consciousness!" One of the healers announced.
"We're in the middle of getting the claws out, we have no time to stop." my father ordered "be brave Sonya...." he said reassuringly
I heard her scream as he pulled the claws out on by one. The pain, I could feel it crawling under my skin, making me shiver.
When they finished cleansing the wound, my father brought her out in his arms.
"She's alright Shesshomaru."
I let out all the air I've been storing in one blow. She was going to be okay.......

I brushed the strands of her hair out of her face as she slept. She immediately wrinkled her nose, then fluttering her eyes open.
"Shesshy?" She said weakly with a smile upon her face
"I'm here.."
I felt so guilty that she took the fault and not me. She could tell something was up, because she attempted to sit up, but I placed her back down.
"What's wrong Shesshy?"
"Why did you do it?"
"Do what?" She said pretending nothing happened
"Push me out of the way."
"Because your my friend."
"But you're in pain....."
"Psh, duh, that's what friends do for each other. So what if I'm in pain,
better than you being in pain." she said putting her hands behind her head. She turned and looked at me.
"Is it bad?"
I looked down at her wound, her bandage was all bloody and needed to be changed.
"How long have I been asleep?"
"Two days......"
Her eyes widened.
"Two days!? Wow."
She began to get sleepy again and her eyes fluttered shut.
"Thanks Shesshy....." she whispered before dozing off again
"Good night Sonya..." I said lying down on the floor next to her and soon falling asleep.

Omygersh she was hurt! Shesshomaru feels bad for her, ooooooooooo. He stayed by he side! What a friend! Don't forget to comment and vote if there's anything you would like in the story! Thanks guys

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