Chapter 15

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Sonya's POV

I don't know how much more of this I could handle. Not knowing anything sucks. But having at least some parts of a memory is better than not having one at all.
I heard Mioga yell something to Shesshomaru on the other side of the door, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying.
Then Sesshomaru comes busting through the doors with my bracelet in my hand.
"Sonya!" He barked
Oh my god! Doesn't he realize I'm bathing!? I'm naked! He can't just barge in here like this! My blood boiled, the last thing I wanted was him seeing me naked.
He was running so fast, he tripped over a stool and fell into the huge bath, on top of me too! Come on!
The two of us stumbled to get our footing and slipped and splashed all over the place. It was a mess, like a tsunami in a bath tub. He stumbled on me, I stumbled on him-it was truly embarrassing! He kept on trying to reach for my hand, but I needed to get up, so I started to push him off. But the bath was so slippery, I couldn't. The two of us just slipped and fell all over the place. He tried getting up once more, before falling on top of me. I was suffocating under the water! Had he not realized this!? I sunk to the bottom of the tub and reached for the plug. The chain was right at my finger tips! But I couldn't reach it! Just a little further-and!!!!!! I felt the cold iron chain between my fingertips, and I pulled with all my might. I could only wait as the water slowly drained. But I was....running....out......of......air....
Suddenly, I felt two hands pull my shoulders to the surface.......through the bubbles, I saw Shesshomaru's face of relief.
The bath had drained and the two of us lay at the bottom, with our arms an legs tangled. I felt his deep breathing on my face as he tried to regain his breath and I as well.
Soon I looked up to see his beautiful golden eyes. It seemed a little awkward being in a tub with him, naked..Wait, wasnt I in the snow just now? I'm confused.

Shesshomaru's POV

"You did it Master Shesshomaru!" Mioga hollered
I did do it! I put the bracelet back around her wrist, where it belongs, before it was too late.
She held her head as she got up.
"Hey Shesshy, wasn't I in the snow just now?"
My eyes lit up. The last thing she remembers was right before she was found in the snow. She was back!
"Sonya! You're back!!!" I said hugging her
"Uhhh, yeah, where else would I be?"
I got her back. She came back to Sonya........Eron is going to pay. Oh yes he's going to pay for doing this to her.
"Ummm Shesshomaru?" She said awkwardly
"Yes??" I whispered, still embracing her warm body.
"Master! Hand Lady Sonya a towel!!!"Mioga squealed
Then I remembered, I barged in here while she was bathing. Quickly, I let go of her, keeping my eyes off her,making sure I didn't see anything. I really hadn't seen anything, for I was so afraid of loosing her memories, I kept my eyes on hers.
"Here....uh...Im sorry about that...Ill explain later....." I said rushing out of her room.

Sonya's POV

What was going on. The last thing I remember was being face down in the snow and now I'm in a bath, naked. I brushed the soaked strands of hair away from my eyes and began trying to grasp what was going on. Why was he in here while I was bathing!? There are some things I will never understand about him.
Rubbing my temples, I hopped out of the tub and dressed myself. Walking out of the room, I made my way to the mirror. I thought about how selfish I had been, complaining about myself, even though I knew that I was loved just the way I was. I nervously rubbed arm as I thought about what had happened in the bath. Then I mentally slapped myself for thinking such things.
Then I looked down at my hand. The bracelet, it made me happy, knowing that my time on this earth was not brought to an end because of some lousy sword. It made me happy knowing I have someone like Shesshomaru to call home. He had given me the best gift anyone could be given, friendship.....thats all I needed to be happy.
I was snapped out my thoughts when I looked up to see Shesshomaru. I saw those same golden eyes again. They sent waves of warmth through my body.
he looked down at me and shook his head.
"I thought I lost you....." he whimpered
Was he talking about my leg? I've been hurt before why was this so different?
"It was just a cut, you don't have to stress about it."
He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and he hugged me. We had a long embrace before he let go.
"I'm glad you're back...."
I had no clue to why he was acting so weird, so I just went with it.
"Hey hey, it's ok, everything's okay now, stop worrying so much."
He cracked a small smile signifying that he understood my point.
"Lady Sonya!!!" I heard a little voice squeal. It was Mioga
"Oh hey Mioga..."
"Lady Sonya, Im so happy you're unharmed!"
The 'Lady' thing was starting to get on my nerves
"Thanks for thinking of me....also, you don't have to call me 'Lady' Sonya. Sonya is just fine."
Shesshomaru hugged me once more, I inhaled his godly like scent. -wait- my nose-it's really enhanced-why?- I can smell a lot of things?!- I pulled away from him, and sniffed around, hoping this was all in my head.
"What are you doing?" He asked
"I don't know? Uh my nose, I can smell all of these things and I don't know why!"
"You're smelling things?"
*Sniff sniff "ya, I can smell everything for miles." *Sniff sniff
His eyes got wide and his eyebrows furrowed.
"The sword! The sword Master Shesshomaru! The wound would give her the demonic powers of the user!"
Mioga squealed
What was he? Oh yeah! The wound Lord Takimaro had given me, his sword pierced my skin.
I stared at Shesshomaru blank faced....this is what he meant by 'becoming something else' I was becoming a demon......slowly but surely. Putting things in perspective, I made my way to the door.
"There's something I have to do...."
My nose was telling me something, to go somewhere. I was beginning to catch an unfamiliar scent.
Before I knew it, I was sprinting. When I looked down, I was just sprinting-I was flying above ground. Wow! I'm literally running like Shesshomaru.
Finally, when I stopped, I realized where I was. This was Lord Takimaro's castle. My nose brought me here?!
"You stupid thing! You don't know where you're going!" I hollered at my nose
"I'm not so sure." A voice said. I looked down at and saw Mioga standing on my shoulder.
"Mioga! What are you doing here?"
"Why has your nose brought you here Sonya?"
"I don't know."
"Take another look around, what do you see?"
I looked out to the horizon. All I saw was a huge pile of ash and surrounding it, a forest. I saw fire and in it, two men. One was greater that the other....they were fighting....I walked up to the pile of ash to get a better look.
Lord Tashio.....this is where he died....he was...he was....he was my father...(Ik not really but he took care of me for a great portion of my life) he truly was gone.
I thought about all the times Shesshomaru and I spent together with him. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I began to sob. My nose picked up his scent where it was the strongest. I soon appeared in a place where it would seemed he had died. My sobbing only grew as I removed the debris. Two body shaped figures, lie still on the ground. I could tell which one was who. The bigger one was obviously Lord Tashio and the other Lord Takimaro...
The looked just like him...he must have suffered so much, dying like this.
"I should have returned for him, only if I hadn't gone so far out! " I thought, punching the ground. Only more tears fell, thinking of him.
"He truly was a great demon..." Mioga said
"No"I said whipping my tears "he was more than that....he was...he was my father."(Figure)
Mioga hopped off of my head and next the ash less spot where Lord Tashio lay. He bowed a couple of times and said a little prayer. I was going to say a prayer for him, but I was going to save that for something else I had planned. But still, I couldn't help but let a few more tears shed for my Lord.
"Hey you down there!!!!" A voice called
I looked up to find a man riding a flying cow.
"You girl!!! Your name is Sonya! Is it not?"
"Who wants to know!?"
"It's alright, no need to get defensive Sonya. That is Totosai the sword maker." Mioga explained
"Yes, he has been allies with my Lord Tashio for many years."
I could only watch as the weird old man descended from the on his flying cow.
"You are Sonya yes?"
"Uh, Ya my name is Sonya-are you?-"
"Your the young girl Lord Tashio spoke of."
I smiled "he spoke about me?"
"He said you were going to be a beautiful young woman and that you worked well with swords."
"I guess I'm okay with swords."
"He asked me to give this to you, as a farewell gift."
Totosai handed me a sword forged from his fang. It was a long, straight sword with a bare grip and curved hilt with carved ruins along the sword. A tear rolled down my face as I held the beautifully balanced blade. My lip trembled
"He...he....he.....he made this for me?"
"Yes he had it specially made for you with your name carved into the sheath with gold."
It felt like he was squeezing my soul out.
"Thank you sir! For making it I means a lot knowing it's from him....he will always be apart of my heart." I sobbed, examining the sword
"He also said that he wanted to intrust Tensiga and Tenseiga to his sons."
"But he was burned along with his swords."
"No, you see Tensiga and Tenseiga were both built to withstand great temperatures. And combined with the strength of Lord Tashio's fang, there's no way they could have been destroyed so easily."
"So you're saying that both blades are still here?"
"Yes, so get looking!"
"Since when are you gonna tell me what to do!? You barely know me!?"
"It was one of your master's last wishes!" Mioga hollered.
That set my mind straight so I began searching through all the debris. I finally came upon one sword, Tensiga and next to it, Tenseiga. Picking both swords up, I handed them to Totosai.
"Now, he said that he wanted Tensiga to go to InuYasha and Tenseiga to Shesshomaru."He said handing me Tenseiga.
"What is mine called Totosai?"
"Now that Fang there, is called Táralin."
"Táralin...."I liked the way it rolled off my tongue.
"You must give this to Shesshomaru." Totosai ordered
"Yes sir!"
"Good...good, she's loyal, just like he said,huh Mioga?" he said winking
"Ahh yes, if she's one thing, its loyal."
"Thanks guys...." I said turning my back an beginning to leave
"Wait! I almost forgot, Lord Tashio left this for you as well."
Totosai handed me a scroll and I was on my way back home.
With my new demonic powers, I made it home in a flash.
Walking up the steps of the castle, began to read the scroll. It was from Lord Tashio.
Dear Sonya, I know that Shesshomaru and I have been your family for many years now and I know that you're going to want to leave soon, now that you're growing up. I've watched you and Shesshomaru grow fonder of each other everyday. But you see, Shesshomaru doesn't see me as a father anymore. I'm more like his enemy. I tired to explain to him that I am not long for this world. I mean look at me now, I'm not even here......and Im sorry. He got upset with me.....even though he was young when I left my first mate, he still feels anger towards me for separating with his mother. He always has been. After attempting to reaching out to him and failing, I gave up and moved on without him. I never told him about it because he would only hate me more. Her name is Izayoi and we have a pup, he still needs to do a little growing. Still, I never told Shesshomaru and I isolated myself from him. I knew that if I showed up, he would ask questions, though I would never answer them, they would have made him angry. I leave you a sword of my fang, Táralin. It has the ability of Healing and Destroying. You are able to bring souls back from the dead and kill 100 demons with a single sweep. Though I leave Sesshomaru only a sword of healing and a sword of destroying to InuYasha. My dear girl, take care of Shesshomaru, don't let him fall into darkness. You'll have to show him the way to lighter paths. Please, take care of him.....thank you for all you have done for the both of us. you are someone I could call, my daughter.....farewell, I will pray for your wellbeing from the netherworld...

What did he mean by 'don't let him fall into darkness?' I guess the answer is still to come.........I was snapped out of thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Oh Shesshomaru, it's just you."
"I need to tell you something."
"It's about Eron...."
"What about him?"
"He was the reason for your memory loss...."
"Huh?" He was confusing me
"The bracelet I gave you, contained your memories. Eron stole it from you and you almost lost all of your memories....I almost lost you...."
I looked down at the leather bracelet. I was almost brought to tears, thinking I almost lost everything. All because of some bracelet. I wanted to take it off and bury it in a chest, but I knew better.
"Shesshomaru......hey, we'll be alright, we're gonna figure this out......what are you planning on doing with Eron?"
"He's in the dungeons as we speak, his trial hasn't been decided."
"I need to see him..."
I needed to know why, why my memories? I need to know why he did this to me.
"You can't."
"Why not?!"
"You must learn to control your demonic aura, remember what happened last time?"
"Oh.....right..." I laughed sheepishly
But I became furious...I thought he was my friend, I gave him my friendship and in return, he gives me bullshit!!!!!! The more I thought about it, the madder I became. I was starting to loose control again. No...I can't...I don't want to harm anyone. The demonic aura began surrounding me in a whirlwind. All I could do was fall to me knees and beg to the heavens to make this stop.
"Sonya....." an unfamiliar voice called
"No!!!get out my head!!!" I screamed, putting my hands over my ears.
"Sonya!" It called again, but as an order this time
"Leave me alone!!!!"
"Sonya open your eyes!!!!!!"
This time it was an order, but not from some foe. Not from Shesshomaru and not from Eron...but from Lord Tashio...
I looked up and that's when I saw him, my master had come to guide me.
"Lord Tashio...." I mumbled
"Shhh will be alright...."
"Please help me! I don't know what's happening to me and I don't want to hurt anyone!!"
"Calm yourself......" he whispered
I took in three deep breaths and turned to him
", all that's happening is, your transformation."
"My wha?"
"You have the blood of a demon, running through your are more than just any half demon Sonya..."
"What will I transform into? Something similar to you or Shesshomaru?"
"Yes....but you must stay calm at all times."
I nodded. The whirlwind began to fade away and so did Lord Tashio. I wanted to say thanks, but instead of words coming out, barks came out. -what!? I'm a dog! Okay this is weird-
I looked down at saw my gigantic paws. I was super high off the ground! If urned to Shesshomaru and he and the hugest grin plastered on his face.
The two of us just stared into each other's eyes and spoke telepathically

"Wow" he spoke
"Wow what!?"
"You're more beautiful than I imagined you'd be."
He made my face burn. At least since I have fur, he cant tell.
"Stop it you know that's not true!!!" I barked
he just giggled and at me smirked a lot.
"It's entertaining hearing your bark for the first time."
"Stop it! It's not funny!" I barked again
"Alright alright I'll stop! Calm down!"'
"Thank you!"
"But you're still beautiful."
"Shut up.."
"You don't look like me or my father.."
"What! He said I would! What do I Look like!?"
"Gees relax you look fine. You look more like a white wolf than a dog."
"Oh, I thought I looked like a boar or something."
"haha no, never....but you know you can't see Eron just yet right?"
"Why not!?"
"Because you're not full stable yet, you might tear the whole castle down."
I bowed my head in disappointment. I felt like ripping off his head right then and there, but Shesshomaru had a point. I wasn't ready to face him.
"Ya I guess you're how do you transform to human? I can still do that right!?"
"Yes, well I'm not sure how to explain this but all you really gotta do is think of your human form and then you'll go back to normal."
I thought Normal, but nothing seemed to work. Come on!!!!! Nothing worked.
"I can't...." I sighed. I saw the tiredness in Shesshomaru's eyes. "It's alright, I'll sleep outside."
"Are you crazy! Leave you out here alone!? I don't think so." He exclaimed, transforming into his true self
I rolled my Eyes and lied down on the grown. It wasn't that bad actually. I felt quite warm, with Shesshomaru next to me. I fell asleep without any worries, because I knew I was safe with him by my side.......

Forever with Lord Sesshomaru *not edited*Where stories live. Discover now