Chapter 9

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Shesshomaru's POV

As I flew through the portal, I landed in a lush forest, filled with many trees, trees and the scent of blood. I remembered this scent, it was was so familiar. Sonya.....................

I ran towards her scent as fast as I could, and when I came upon two stumps, I saw her.......I bolted in her direction, only to be thrown back by some sort of barrier......

"Sonya! Sonya!!!" I called, but she didn't answer "Sonya!!!!"

Sonya's POV

I heard a voice, it rang through my head a thousand times, how could I forget it? Shesshomaru.........

My head hurt, it pounded like a drum within my skull.


My vision was blurry and everything was double. But through the blurriness, I saw a white figure, he was waving his arms and yelling my name.'re here, with me.....

"Shesshomaru!!!" I cried, I tried to move, but I was tied, facing a tree, with my back to the world.

"You're finally awake.." Haku sneered

I saw Shesshomaru's eyes widen and his fits of rage became more and more aggressive.

"Haku....dont do this!"

He had a whip in his hands and swung it around a few times. I flinched every time I heard the whip-crackle of the leather.

"I told you that you would pay for this, and your little demon friend will be forced to watch."

"Shesshomaru, look away, don't look at me......please."

Haku ripped of my shirt and threw it aside.

"Wow, you are quite a sight." He said looking at my chest, trying to grab it"The men weren't wrong when they said how beautiful you were. Its a shame, that I have to damage such a beautiful soul like yourself."

I looked towards Shesshomaru, with tears in my eyes.

"Don't do this!" He pleaded

"Do what?" Haku asked sarcastically "this!?"

He swung the rope towards me and it hit my back with a crack! Pain struck my nerves like lighting bolts.

"No!!!!!" Shesshomaru yelled, growing angrier by the minute

He whipped me again and again. The warm blood dripping from my back, stung my open wounds.

"Shesshomaru...." whip! "It's....." another whip! "Alright......go"

I had no energy left in my body, being this way, in front of Shesshomaru, by showing him how weak I was, made me want to die over and over.

As I looked at him one more time, I saw Ara's head drop from his grasp, and roll away. The moment Haku saw this... he whipped me even more.

"Ara!!!!!!!" He cried "you slaughtered my sister!!!!!!" He screamed, whipping me some more.

By this time, I couldn't even scream in pain, it hurt so much, only tears rolled down my face as I prayed to the heavens.

"Please, make this stop!" I begged

The whipping continued like a never ending path that only repeated itself, until, it stopped.

I heard a huge rumble, it was like an earthquake and it frightened the life out of me. Not that there was much life in me.

But when I looked back at Haku, he was in horror as Shesshomaru held his hand back from making another whip at my body. Shesshomaru was mad, Id never seen him like this. His eyes got red and he bared his teeth all the way.

Forever with Lord Sesshomaru *not edited*Where stories live. Discover now