Chapter 21 pt 2

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Sonya's POV

Alright, this was it. Koga and I walked arm in arm down isle, everyone staring. I noticed that they weren't glaring, but smiling. They liked me!?
I was so nervous, my stomach felt like it had millions of butterflies inside. Instead of hiding my face, I smiled at literally everyone. Seeing their happy faces only made me happier.
My grip on Koga's arm tightened as we reached the end of the isle. I looked to my left and saw Izayoi and InuYasha standing there, along with Hakaku and Ginta. And to my right, stood Sesshomaru's mother.
My eyes darted to the center, there he was, he looked as handsome as ever. His chest broad and his jaw line...just perfect..Oh God I'm staring too long.
I was a little scared when Koga gave my hand to Sesshomaru. The two just gave each other the 'nod' and smiled.
But then those eyes stared deep into my soul. Those shiny golden eyes of his glistened in the sun light. No matter how soft his eyes seemed, they always appeared assistive and concerning. Oh, he probably senses my fear.
"You're trembling....relax..." he whispered
"And do you, Sonya, take Sesshomaru to be your lofty wedded husband?" The priestess announced
"I do." I said slipping in his ring
She turned to Sesshomaru, who wouldn't take his eyes off of me for a single second.
"And do you, Sesshomaru, take Sonya to be your lofty wedded wife?" he took my hands in his and replied
"I do." He carefully placed the ring on my finger
"Sesshomaru, you may kiss the bride."
He leaned in closer, placing his hand behind my neck, guiding me closer. And my hands wrapped around his neck, never wanting to let go. I could feel his breath brush upon my skin as he inched closer and closer. Until soon enough, I felt the sweet sensation of his lips against mine. I kissed him back as his entire family cheered for us.
When I looked back, they all looked so happy for us. They were happy that we were together, unlike the council. I even spotted Taty and Kenna in the back, sobbing their little hearts out. I was glad that today turned out pretty darn great. Koga and the guys were clapping and whistling, uncontrollably.
I looked up at Sesshomaru, he was looking down at me with that hint of happiness on his eyes. His staring was making me go insane. My face flushed with pink.
I laughed as Sesshomaru lifted me into the air, him laughing with me. He brought me down and we continued to dance to the lovely music.
As the dance ended, Sesshomaru led me to a near by bench, where he pulled me into his lap and kissed me repeatedly.
"I love you my sweet Sonya." he whispered, brushing to loose strands of hair away from my face.
"I love you too Sesshy." I giggled
"Sonya! Sonya!" InuYasha cried, breaking our moment. He hopped up onto my lap, laughing and giggling.
"What happened?" I asked smiling down to his cute little face. He leaned in close to my ear and whispered.
"I have Kikyo a flower and she kissed me on the cheek!"
"No way!" I emphasized. He just smiled at the sky, with his eyes flustered. I told Sesshomaru, who gave a small smile to his little brother.
"Go ask her to dance." Sesshomaru encouraged. That left InuYasha grinning before zooming away toward the dance floor. I heard Sesshomaru chuckle and I turned to face him.
"That's the most you've said to him since he's been here."
"And?" He said raising one eyebrow. He was pretending like he said nothing, typical....
"I think you're getting soft, O high and mighty Lord Sesshomaru!" I teased
"Hmph, I think Lady Sonya is getting ahead of herself with the sarcasm." He made me giggle some more
Cheerfully I led him to one of the tables and enjoyed some drinks. We talked with many of his relatives and told them of all the things we'd been through together. Surely, their jaws dropped at hearing the tales he had to tell, but that was to be expected.
Sooner or later Koga and the guys came and took Sesshomaru to the bar. They offered for me to join them, but I didn't want to leave his relatives without finishing the story. Besides they were beginning to speak of Lord Tashio, I wasn't going anywhere.
"So Inu-no Tashio saved you from the demon bear!?" One of his cousins questioned
"Yes, I was just a child then, I don't know what I was thinking. I do recall Shesshomau being there as well."
"Was it painful?!"
"Actually it happened so fast that I didn't really feel pain in the beginning. But yes it did in fact hurt very much later on."
"When was the last time you saw Lord Tashio?"
This question, it tugged on my heart, to think of him. I sat there, fighting the stinging sensation in my eyes.
"" I choked "The last time we were together, we were on a mission to rescue Lady Izayoi and InuYasha."
"You were there when the castle burned!?" I nodded
"Yes...we saved them, but then Takimaro returned for revenge. He wished to continue the battle. Lord Tashio told me to lead the two of them to safety, it was an order, I wasn't going to disobey my Lord. He knew his time here was coming to an end, I didn't want to believe it either. If I had the power to change the hands of time, I would. I looked back at him once more before leaving his side forever, and he smiled at me, shortly before fighting back against Takimaro. That was the last time I saw his face. Before I knew it were were outside and the building fell on the both of them, there was nothing I could do to save my Lord. It was one of his last wishes to save his family and I helped honor that wish so that his soul could rest in peace. I'll never forget Lord Tashio or the sacrifices he made, but I know his legacy lives on, because I see it everyday. I see in in Sesshomaru and I see it in InuYasha. To Lord Tashio!" I announced, lifting a glass.
"To Lord Tashio!" Everyone else joined in
"You must miss him very much."
"Everyday of my life, for the rest of my days."
The looks on their faces, it was none other than pity, I hated that. It made me feel weak, but I was going to accept it just this once.
All of us continued talking until the men went and joined Sesshomaru. The ladies pulled me to the dance floor, practically begging me to join them. I reused, but then InuYasha asked me and I couldn't say no to his cute little face.
After dancing for a solid half hour, I went to one of the tables to get a drink. Geeze dancing burned me out. When I sat down, I noticed Koga and Sesshomaru taking drinking contests with the strongest wine his servant could offer. It was kind of funny how Sesshomaru was finishing his fifth cup, while Koga was staring his third. Poor Koga, he wasn't used to wine like Sesshomaru was.
InuYasha called me over, but I had told him I'd be a bit longer. I saw that behind the dance floor, there was a cloaked figure, speaking with the council men. I tired ignoring it and not to get involved, seeing as the council already hates me and it's not my business. But still, the cloaked figure seemed suspicious and made me uneasy.
I was sampled out of my thoughts when a hand tapped my shoulder. It was Sesshomaru.
"Sonya...." he whispered, kissing my neck. "why are you so...tempting?" His hands went from my waist to my rear.
"Sesshomaru!" I gasped, looking up at him
"Wouldn't you rather go to our room?" He asked. "It's much more private in there." He whispered, bringing his hands up so he could caress my breasts. I nodded, allowing him to lead me away, hearing some oooos and awes from the crowd.
As soon as the door slid shut, Sesshomaru pulled me close him, kissing me roughly and untying my clothes. His hands tried to push my outfit off my shoulders, but failed, causing me to pull away.
"It's not that hard." I whispered, pushing the fabric off my shoulders. The suit fell to the ground beside my feet, exposing my body to him. I shivered slightly, feeling the could air from the window brush up against my naked body.
"You're so beautiful...." he whispered walking over to me, kissing me. I pushed at his kimono.
He took it off, before taking off his shoes and dropping Tenseiga.
He stood there in front of me, naked, he looked even more handsome.
"I love you." I said, pulling him to me. I sat on his desk and he spread my legs apart so he could kiss me better, before lifting me to out bed.
He removed my braid, and a soft laugh escaped my lips as he brushed up against my bare skin. Smiling down at me, he began kissing my jawline and then to the grooves of my neck.
My fingers traced his scars on his body and I moved my was slightly so he could have better access to my skin. I felt him nip gently and a soft moan fell from my lips, leaving my body shaking unde his.
"I need you." I begged, running my fingers through his soft, sliver hair. Shesshomaru looked up at me and nudged my legs open. My breaths slowed down as I looked up at his pleading golden eyes.
"We both need each other desperately." he replied. I laughed softly and closed my eyes as he massaged my thighs.
He climbed on top of me, nudging my legs open again, but this time I gasped as he entered me slowly. He pressed open mouthed kisses on my neck, surely leaving marks. My nails scratched at his back and I gripped his neck.
"You're so tight." Shesshomaru growled in a husky kind of tone. I threw my head back as he went faster, helping me adjust to his size.
"Sesshomaru!" I cried. His hand teased my breasts and I arched my back trying to get closer. Each powerful thrust made me go insane under him, soft cries dropping from my lips. His hands moved from my breasts to my thighs, and then to my neck and back to my breasts. Whimpers of ecstasy leaked from my mouth.
Soon our movements matched, creating the perfect momentum for the both of us. He then moved me leg on his hip, and I cried out in pleasure, kneeling he had hit the perfect spot.
"Sonya." Shesshomaru moaned
He forced his lips on to mine, kissing me deeply. Again and again he kissed and his thrusts became sloppy and after one last kiss, I fell apart beneath him.
My vision was blinded by lights and overwhelming pleasure flowed through my veins. He gave out on last thrust before he too, had fallen apart, filling me with his seed, then pulling out, collapsing between my legs with his head on my breasts.
"Sonya, my love." he whispered, stealing my lips in a tender kiss and moving to the side where he pulled me close to him. I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat slow down.
"Sesshomaru.....I love you." he laughed softly and kissed my neck.
"I love you too Sonya...more than anything, more than life."
I lie there blissfully in bed, almost falling asleep with my beloved husband, Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands......

Forever with Lord Sesshomaru *not edited*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora