Chapter Nineteen

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Hola! So yeah fast upload, kinda, but I’m on break whoop! Happy Easter everyone!! I love Easter, best time of year, though I wish it were warmer right now :/ sucks running in 30 degree weather. But yeah! Hope everyone’s having a good break, and if you’re not on break, have fun in school :P haha just kidding. I mean do have fun but ya know. And have fun with this chapter…I dunno if it went where I wanted it to…see me comment at the end. Me lol what am I, a pirate? Anyway bye and please fan/vote/comment loads!!

Gracias! :D <3 vb123321

Chapter Nineteen

♥         Astrid       ♥

You would probably say we were stupid for walking around downtown when we had three espionage agencies after our blood, and you wouldn’t be wrong, but we managed to be more discreet than you might think.

Though it had stopped snowing, it was still relatively chilly: A nearby billboard showed three degrees, which confused Joel to no end before we patiently explained that it was Celsius, not Fahrenheit. The wind nipped at our ears and faces as soon as we stepped outside, but the sweatshirts and jackets we wore kept the rest of us warm, as well as supplying hoods and bulkiness to create a quasi-disguise.

Because the place we were staying at was already inner-city, we left the car in the parking lot behind it and took to the streets on foot. I had pressed the issue of safety onto Joel for so long that he began to cover his ears whenever I opened my mouth, saying loudly that he knew and I didn’t have to tell him again. Still, as we walked out of the hotel, I told them that I thought we should walk around in pairs, as it would be both the buddy system and less conspicuous than four teens ambling around.

“If we have agents after us,” I said knowledgably, “we don’t want to make ourselves known. We have to be as safe as possible.”

Josh raised his eyes to the sky. “Astrid, I don’t know if you realize this, but seeing as we just agreed to go after Cloying, we kinda just forfeited the whole safety thing. This isn’t a fiesta, you know; I don’t think those guys care if we’re dead or alive.”

There was a pause, and then Charlie said dryly, “Always on the sunny side, that’s Josh.”

Joel let out a long, gusty sigh. “Since you’re so intent on killing yourself,” he grumbled, “why don’t you just sit around that hotel thing until December? It would be much less stressful.”

“December?” I repeated, raising an eyebrow. “Do you know something we don’t?”

“It’s officially 2012 now,” he said with an emphatic eye roll. “Everyone knows the Mayans predicted the end of the world to be December 2012.”

We all just looked at him. I held back a laugh at the bewildered look that crossed Charlie’s face; he really didn’t understand the kid at all. Josh raised his hands and turned away, muttering something like, “Lord have mercy,” and then in a louder voice, “So are we going to get a move on or what?”

“Right.” I forced myself to concentrate. “Okay, so I still think we should partner up, so how about me and Charlie, and Josh and Joel?”

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