I raised a three and two with my fingers, "3 days and 2 nights."

"Then I don't want to go. It's annoying."

Sehun was next to him rubbing his hands together, "C'mon guys! I want to go with Minhye!"

I nodded my head, "See Sehun wants to go." I turned around to look at the rest of the boys, "Who's with me!"

Imaginary crickets filled the silence. Nobody responded.

Suho dug around his bag taking out a laminated brochure.

"I have an idea," he said breaking the silence. "My parents told me that whenever we needed a vacation, we could visit Jeju Island. All we need is to call them up. They'll send us the tickets, and we're all set. I'm sure the boys will like it, instead of retreating somewhere, with no electricity, internet, or phone service." He smiled in hope of a yes. Just because he was secretly rich, and could probably bring us anywhere in the world, as much as I want to travel the world, doesn't mean he would get what he wanted.

I shook a firm no, "I'm coming tomorrow to personally drag your butts to the van. If any of you guys run away, you're dead meat."

As I was about to leave Tao intervened, "Don't we need to study for the next exam?"

I smiled hiding my annoyance and patted his head, "Don't worry. You guys all aced the math exams. I'm pretty sure that you won't have any problem on the next one. Besides, my grandma is way smarter than me. She'll be your other tutor."


"No buts! We're going!"

When I got home, I instantly started searching for schools I wanted to attend. The letter I got along with the boys' grades actually stated that the boys only had one more test left. Since they all aced the math tests, the company thought that they could easily pass the whole thing in one shot.

Do you know what that means?

My scholarship was only one test away...

I wanted to go on this trip with the boys for our last hurrah.


(Chanyeol's POV)

We were on our way to Minhye's grandmother's house. It was about 5 hours away, but it felt like it was going to take forever!

I'm once again stuffed in this van and by now I should've gotten used to my travels with EXO , but adding our packed bags I felt like I was developing a little claustrophobia.

Our van was literally a can of sardines! Someone for some reason thought it would be a smart idea to pack canned sardines and and not let anyone know. The can exploded from the pressure and now our car reeks!

I'm pretty sure that someone was in the other van EXO-M rode. And by the time I get of this van he'll probably never forget the taste of rotten sardines ever again...

What's even worse, is that Minhye's grandmother's house was up a mountain so our road was really rugged. So every time we hit a bump my head would hit the roof. Sometimes I just love being tall...

Thank goodness though that Minhye was all the way in the front of the van. Something about her bothers me. It just irks me whenever I look at her. I'm afraid that I won't be able to take my eyes off of her. That night when I fell down on her, her eyes captured me in this never ending pool of nostalgia. I don't know anymore.

Once we arrived I was the very first one to squeeze out of the van. Hopefully, the other members really didn't mind because I kind of just shoved them out of my way to get out.

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