RS_Part 23

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~~~~Sang's POV~~~~

A knock on my door startled me so bad that all I had time to do was bunch the notes up and crumple them into the purse before the door was shoved open. Black hair and tanned skin was a blur as she stepped inside, slammed the door, and leaned against it with her arms folded across her ample bosom.

I groaned. Why her, and why now?!

For once, there was no sneer on her face. She was smiling. She looked genuinely happy; there was a kind of glow about her, like the glow described for pregnant women....or women who've just done the 'horizontal polka.' God, I didn't need that in my head. I needed to find Connor and Carey. And I needed to go to this Games Master and get him to stop this treasure hunt.

The smile on her face never wavered, not even when she started speaking. And, I hate to admit it, but she looked really pretty. Her hair was long and shiny, her jeans fit snug, and her white tank top looked really nice with Corey's blue and white plaid button up that she had the sleeves rolled up to the elbows on. Her words, however, were the Kayli I'd grown used to.

"So they're all out there talking about what a burden you are. How you've gotten us all into some deep shit."

I couldn't read her to see if she was telling the truth. To be honest, my mind was still reeling from the shock of knowing I'd just gotten Connor and Carey kidnapped by some psycho who calls himself the Games Master. Not to mention I had to go after this guy to get them back. Would he truly hurt them if I brought help?

I knew nothing about him, or her, except that he or she liked to talk in riddles. And that he or she was obviously really clever because of how sneaky all of this had been done.

But, I did know one thing, I guess. If he wanted to hurt me, he'd have done it by now. In the woods where I received my first note. In the bathroom at the dojo. At any time in this apartment, especially while we were all sleeping. These were all times when I'd been 'ripe for the picking.' So this Games Master, whoever he was, wouldn't hurt me. I told myself this over and over and over again. I knew that, at the end of my internal debating, it would still be my fault if anything happened to Connor and Carey, so I would still have to go after them.

I snapped out of my thoughts when she snapped her fingers half an inch in front of my nose. I glared at her. "I don't need you bothering me right now."

She smirked and it dissolved into the same serene smile she'd been wearing before. "You can't bother me right now, wanna know why? Cause I realize that you're just as pathetic as I'd always thought you were. You spoiled, selfish, uncaring little princess! I've spent countless days and weeks—heck months—trying to find my brother and when we finally get a lead, it's you! And then what? The princess is too fuckin precious to even talk to me even though she's the only lead I have to finding my brother! Then you come here, to my home, and you bring all this shit. Yeah, I overheard quite a bit. You've let some psycho into our apartment God knows how many times. You've been playing some weird ass game with this psycho."

I was watching her so closely that I caught the flicker in her eyes. If I hadn't been, I'd have missed it because it was gone just as quickly. The creepy part, however, is she didn't lose her smile during her entire monologue.

"How dare you endanger—"

A knock on the door cut her off.

She turned and opened it, smiling at Brandon. I angled my head but was disappointed to realize he was looking at her and only her. "Kayli, Sang, we're heading to our other apartment just down the hall. We have things to discuss and this apartment's been compromised. It's not far at all and we won't be long. If either of you need anything at all, do NOT hesitate to call."

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