RS_Part 7

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**Part 14**

I laughed out loud as Carey frowned and pouted her way out of having to do any real nailing anymore.

"Care, stop that. You know I don't like that pouting stuff," Connor was telling his little sister.

She dropped her hammer to the ground, planted her hands on her hips, and pushed one of them out in a sassy stance. Her bottom lip pouted even more, but she didn't say anything.

"Carey. I'm warning you."

Her lip quivered.

"Fine. Whatever. Just stop the pouting."

Her normal cheery expression came back just that easy and she skipped about 4 steps away from us and started spinning in circles with her arms wide out screaming "No more nailing for meee. No more nail-ing for meeee."

I laughed even harder and Connor caught it. "I don't see why you're laughing, Sang. That's one last person working which means we'll be on this house that much longer."

Before I could respond, Brandon's "Sang, Connor, can one of you bring over a couple more boards and then start with the piles of tiles?" cut into the conversation.

It was easy to forget that they were even here, I thought guiltily.

Neither Corey or Brandon spoke much as they work, totally focused on their tasks. When they needed supplies, they would say something. However, I knew for a fact that they were listening to every word we said because every now and then one of them would insert a comment or a joke. 

They also were keeping a close eye on us because if one of us walked away from the house--Carey--they were quick to whistle and yell "No leaving your partners."

Connor waved me away when I moved to grab some boards to take to the twins. He wouldn't let me go up the ladder for whatever reason.

"Hey Sang, while I'm doing this, could you take Carey over to Axel's group? Maybe she'd have a better time over there."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Corey began. I jumped in with "Sure, Connor. We'll be right back, " and gestured for Carey to come with me after Brandon pointed out where the other group was assigned and made me promise to be careful.

I didn't particularly want to see Kayli right now, but I didn't want Carey just standing over here bored if she wasn't having any fun.

We had to walk past about 10 houses and around a few more before we came to where Axel's group was supposed to be.

As we got closer, I saw that the kids they were assigned with were painting on the outside and Marc was helping Axel pull a couch into the house. 

Kayli was standing off to the side holding a pillow with a bored expression on her face and I giggled at the sight. Obviousy Marc wasn't trusting her with a nail gun this time.

Runaway Sang {COMPLETED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin