RS_Part 13

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**Part 24**

**Sang's POV**

In the truck, Marc took the wheel and I sat quietly in the passenger seat. He'd asked me if I wanted to go for a ride, but I'd seen it in his eyes that I didn't really have a choice. Marc had something he wanted to talk to me about and he was going to get his chance to speak

This is why I waited patiently for him to speak while he drive and tapped his fingers on the wheel to some song playing on the radio.

The song went off and a woman's voice came on "Hey there folks its Charmaine with WACA 0806 , the station with all the juiciest news and we only report what we can...what folks?"

A studio audience shouted "PROOOOVE!!!"

Marc left the station there and still had yet to speak as he drive through some streets. I wasn't sure at all where we were going to j just sat back and looked through the window listening absentmindedly to Charmaine's chatter.

Then she said "Gina Marvolo has found herself a real life SUPERMAN folks. I tell you, we have pictures of the two together and he looks as if he could benchpress the freakim Chrysler building. Where did she find this goegous hunk of Greek god? Yes you heard me right He's GREEK!! This guy is Greek to the bone. One of our reporters were able to get close enough to record just a little of their conversation and while he is not speaking Greek, his English is heavily accented with his native tongue. We'll probably play the audio sometime later but for now let's take some callers yeah? Who wants to speak about the famous Marvolo Divas today? Remember try to keep it just about Gina Marvolo as today is Gina's day but if you sneak some juicy info in about her sisters or mother or even all of their new beaus....well, we won't cut you off too quick will we?"

It caughty attention because i remember that on the newscast DVD i was left, the girl with Victor was named something Marvolo. Was this a coincidence or did Marc know that this station would be talking about this girl? If that was the case, did he know about rhw treasure hunt? 

I heard a click and mechanically distorted voice said "Hello Charmaine." 

Charmaine responded "Well hello mystery caller. What's your name and what juicy bits have you got to throw at us today?"

"My name is unimportant" the voice replied and a chill sped down my spine. "Gina Marvolo's new boyfriend. A of the Marvolos new boyfriends I know them all."

"Oooh" Charmaine cooed. "Tell tell tell. Spill all your secrets. We'll keep it between you and me wink wink. I won't tell a soul," she dramatically whispered.

His voice sounded weird as he gave a brief chuckle. "The thing is...I'm not calling in for you Charmaine. The girl I want to near me is hearing me loud and clear. My message to her is to listen to the radio. Watch television. Read a magazine. Catch all the news you can. The truth always comes out and no one is ever safe from it."

The clicking sound went through again and then a dial tone was heard.

Charmaine was quiet for a moment before her overly cheery voice came on. "Ahem...well that was creepy caller #1 for the day yeah? How bout we play somekre good old music and they to get that weird stuff out of your minds? Charmaine at WACA 0806 the station hostess with the mostess will be right back with that music after that words from our sponsors over at Academite."

A jingle started to play and Marc was parking the car. I hadn't realized we were slowing down because I was so caught up in the radio.

Was that Volto?

I would feel absolutely horrible if I said it was him and Marc or one of the others called the guys and they all came rushing back and it turned out to not be Volto....not to mention, what if was indeed him?

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