RS_Part 15

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*this part is being published as part of my deal with Anon2404 :) mostly fluff but it's something. enjoy please!

For reference: (please let me know if I've put ages or anything contradictory in a previous part)

meet the Marvolo Divas:

Lily Marvolo- mother

Sharon Danielle Marvolo- 1 ; Owen

Janice Marvolo- 2 ; Nathan

Tasha Marvolo- 3 ; Gabriel

Lauren Marvolo- 4 ; Victor

Paulette Marvolo- 5 ; North

Gina Marvolo- 6 ; Silas

Brittney Marvolo- 7 ; Luke

Olivia Susannah Marvolo- 8 ; Kota

~~~~~Owen Blackbourne's POV~~~~~

"Please refrain from breaking into the shower while Lucian is showering, Ms. Marvolo," I heard Dr. Green say to the Diva. Luke had finally had enough of the girl's hijinks and requested something be done or he wasn't sure how he could continue with the mission.

My own Diva, Sharon Marvolo also known as "Ms. Call me Danielle cause Sharon is such a old style name", as the eldest of the Marvolo daughters was in charge of the contracts whenever their mother, Lily Marvolo, could not present for the discussion. We had unfortunately had to have 2 of these types of discussions already. Since Sean was posing as our "seller," it was up to him to resolve these things and I had no real authority in front of the divas.

"Mr. Grant, it was?," Sharon said though I know she knew Sean's alias' name.

"Sean Grant," he nodded.

She continued "Well Mr. Grant, I can only apologize to Lucian for Brittney's behavior. But, she is just a teenager. We can't keep having these stupid meetings every time one of the guys gets a little uncomfortable. Be aware, we are paying for these contracts and, at any time, we can discontinue them."

I silently communicated to Sean to knock her down a peg. This mission was probably going to go on for at least a couple more weeks and we couldn't let them get away with too much this early in.

He gave me an imperceptible nod before saying to her "Ms. Marvolo. I, frankly, do not agree. Your sisters are old enough to participate in this contract, and your mother was kind of enough to sign agreements to the conditions put forth in the beginning. We cannot allow them to continue pushing the boundaries as your younger sister has been. Lucian deserves his privacy especially when he's showering; it's an invasion of privacy that cannot and will not be allowed to continue."

She narrowed her eyes at him "Is that a threat?"

He titled his head to the side a little but neither confirmed nor rejected her question. "Ms. Marvolo," he put one leg over the other knee and put his fingertips together in a contemplating position, "what I am simply saying is that you all should remember that if even a single one of my employees no longer wants to uphold his end of the contract, I will pull all 8 of them out and there are no refunds."

For some reason, these Marvolos really truly wanted to keep these contracts. We'd figured that out after the first meeting when it seemed Lily Marvolo was willing to give in to any new conditions we came up with as long as it meant we didn't renege on the contracts. We still had no clue what exactly they needed us for; they were pretty women in their own rights. Of course, I knew one back home who none of them could compare with, but still, they weren't hags. Why would they need to pay and why were they willing to pay so much for us to be their 'boyfriends' even when they knew that it was stated in the contract that there would be no sexual intercourse, neither oral, nor anal or any other kind of sexual contact not instigated by the employee (myself and my brothers).

Runaway Sang {COMPLETED}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz