RS_Part 9

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**Part 18**

**Sang's POV**

I managed to talk my way into getting us away from the twins--Brandon and Corey--and was now working a few houses away from them.

It wasn't that I didn't like the guys but I didn't feel I needed a babysitter anymore; with my guys not here, it was finally my chance to do something phenomenal. I wanted to be able to tell them all about it when they got home and that wouldn't be possible if I said "Corey did" or "Brandon did."

This would be "I, Sang Sorenson, did." 


"Yes, Con?"

"You really like Carey, huh?" When I nodded, he continued saying "Good. Cuz I think she's really happy with you, yknow."

I was so happy to hear that. I really liked Carey, too.

She was a special girl; at only 12, she wasn't supposed to be here but she had no choice since her brother, Connor, was. What I liked about her was that she saw so much happiness in every little moment. I admired that.

She giggled at everything.

Everything was fun to her.

Earlier, as I watched her, her red hair had gleamed brightly in the sunlight making me wonder how Gabriel would react to seeing it caught up in a ponytail. 

Now I sighed remembering how he'd cut mine so that I couldn't really use ponytail holders; Gabriel was sneaky but in a passionate way. I missed my Meanie.

"Sang, are you alright," Connor's voice called out to me.

I pulled my eyes up from the ground following the sound to see him nailing a board a few feet away from me. "Yes, I'm fine, Con." 

His dimples appeared as he gave me a charming grin. "You didn't look fine. You sure there's nothing you want to talk about?" 

There was concern in his eyes but I wasn't willing to talk about my guys right now. It would just make me sad.

"I'm sure. I'm also sure that this house is not going to build itself."

"Cheeky," he said as he poked his tongue out at me.

"Hey have you seen Big Bird since we got here?," I asked him offhandedly. I hadn't seem him since he walked off with Joey and Morgan earlier. Nobody would bother him, obviously, but I had at least seen everybody else since then so I knew for myself that they were alright.

He stopped to think for a moment then said, "He came by briefly while you were off painting with Carey. He was just reminding us not to slack off, talked a little bit with Corey and Brandon, I'm assuming about you, and then he left. By the way, you didn't say only you could call him Big Bird."

I laughed as he glared at me. "Why, what happened?," I put my most innocent tone into my voice.

"I said 'bye big bird' all nice-like, and he tried to glare a hole through me."

I covered my mouth with one hand but my giggles kept escaping. "It's not funny," he said though his own face was not somber in the least. "I've worked with Raven before; I know the guy doesn't understand what sweat and needing a break is like for us humans."

I just smiled and we went back to our companionable silence.

"Hey, Con," I asked moments later.

"Yeessss," he answered warily. I saw the look he was giving me and chose to ignore it as I lifted a board and passed it to another worker who then thanked me and returned to her nailing.

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