chapter 42: The battle starts

Start from the beginning

'No promises' I replied in the end, while I continued to fight the enemy.

I threw two senbon needles at an enemy sneaking on Sakura causing him to fall unconscious. She nodded in my direction as a thank you.

After a few more minutes of fighting, I saw him standing at the edge of the forest, I stopped fighting and just stared wide eyed at him, and I didn't even register the info coming from my second and third clone. I didn't register anything till Sasuke landed beside me stopping an enemy from hitting me.

"You shouldn't space out!" Sasuke shouted at me causing me to look at him before looking back at where Yoshio stood to see him walking into the forest. "What's wrong?"

Ignoring Sasuke and him calling my name as I ran ahead to the direction Yoshio went. Fighting through the enemy lines in front of me blocking my way.

'Sara, Stop now!' Yami called in mind but I ignored her. 'Idiot! It's a trap! An obvious trap! You shouldn't go alone!'

'Sara turn around now!' Came Sadao's voice too but I ignored him as well 'Sara!'

'I saw Yoshio! I am going after him and no one will stop me!' Was the only reply I gave as I ran into the forest.

Hideo Pov

Fighting one after the other, they weren't opponents that took much to defeat but they with their numbers they managed to keep me busy that I didn't have enough time to keep an eye on Sara.

Slashing another enemy with the claws I wore on my hands, I tried to catch my breath and maybe locate Sara.

"Hideo-san!" I heard Sadao shout as he came closer and flew into eye level "She went into the forest"

My eyes widened and worry filled me.

"We need to catch up to her" I told him as he pointed to the direction she went "Tell Kakashi to handle things here and then follow me"

He nodded as he took off and I ran towards the forest behind my idiot of a niece.

Sara Pov

I couldn't see him but I could sense his chakra, he was moving through the forest quickly and at the pace he was going I had no hope of catching him before he reached where ever he was luring me to.

'Idiot turn back!' Yami had been shouting at me ever since we left the field and entered the forest and I continued to ignore her. 'What good will you do your brother if you fall into the trap? or worse what if you have a seizure? You know he won't be alone so you shouldn't be either!'

I knew she was right but then if I bring someone with me the enemy could retreat seeing that their trap failed, or they could be strong enough that whoever comes with me could end up dead. I wasn't going to let anyone else get hurt.

I kept running after Yoshio's chakra for a few more minutes before I came out of the forest to the cliff that was at the edge of the island. It was a big and open area and I could easily see Yoshio standing there beside another man.

The hood of the cloak Yoshio was wearing was down, so I could clearly his stoic, emotionless face and the headband which hid the seal on his forehead.

The man to his left was a bit tanned, had red spiky waist length hair, wore a cloak and was holding a one blade scythe in one hand. He a smirk on his face as he looked at me, I just narrowed my eyes in return.

"That easy huh?" The man wondered as he rests his hands on the end of the pole of his scythe as its other end rested on the ground. "You could have at least pretended to care that it was trap. So you're really willing to do anything to get your brother just Orochimaru Sama said"

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