Chapter 15: My Girly Man

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[Jae Hwa's POV]

The sun burn my eyes as I step out of the dark cave known as my temporary home. I can feel the bags under my eyes forming from the lack of sleep last night. Usually, I would feel grumpy, especially when I pull an all nighter just to finish up my things but for some reason, I was perfectly fine. I was stress free since I finish the article about "falling in love" but yet I still feel like there was this ship load of weight on my chest. Making it hard to breathe and not worry. 

I know I should come clean with J-Hope since he was always so straight-forward and honest with me but after last night, I knew I couldn't. Maybe if I hadn't kiss him, I would have been able to say that I kind of use him for experience?

"What should I do? Tell him or not?" I breathe out as the door to their house swung open. 

"'re here early. Well, J-Hope isn't awake yet but you can just come in and wait for him to get up." Jin said as he gesture for me to come in, slightly stealing glances at the paper in my hands. 

"Did you possibly want water or anything?" Jin ask politely as he made his way to the kitchen but in response, I shook my head and walk towards the guys sitting around the living room. 

I sat down on one of the empty seat and stare sullenly at the rough draft. Quietly debating if I should ask one of them to proof read it as an article a friend of mine wrote. 

"What is that?" A deep and soft whisper came from behind me. I turn to see V stuffing himself with strawberries while intently staring at the paper as if it was anymore interesting than his food. 

" is my friend's paper." I hesitantly answer, wishing that I hadn't. "Actually, I came here to ask if one of you guys can proof read it for her." 

"Was it that horrible that you were going to force one of us to do it?" Suga spoke up first but he seem to interested in the show that they were watching rather than actually wanting to know my answer to his question. 

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend to do so." Jimin ask with a smirk which I couldn't help but want to slap it off his face. 

I stare at them quietly, unsure of who to ask. Well for sure not Suga, Jimin or V. Jungkook and Rap Monster don't look any interested in helping too so why bother with pleading. See, this is why I never ask for help even when I need it the most. 

Knowing that none of them are up to help me, I got up and was about to take my leave when V took the paper away from me and threw it onto the coffee table. He grab my arm and lead me up the stair to none other than J-Hope's room. 

Once we reach the room, he open the door slightly but big enough for me to go in without disturbing J-Hope.  

"What?" I ask confuse as he gesture for me to enter. 

"I will deal with the proofreading with my hyungs but in the mean time I need you to do me a favor and step in for just a bit." He explain but there was something off. It was as if he was trying to hide something from me. Maybe an evil plan. 

I look from the dimly lit room to his innocent face. I am scare to step in but I am more scare to be here in the hallway with this...creature? With no choice, I step in, making sure that he doesn't do anything to me while my back was to him. 

Three to four steps in and I find myself lock in the room with a sleeping J-Hope. The door was slam shut and no matter how hard I pull at it, it wouldn't budge. I swear, when I get out of this room, I am going to punish him like how my parents use to when I was being a naughty kid. And trust me, it wasn't pretty. 

"I was just dreaming about you." J-Hope lazily whisper, his hot breath falling upon the expose skin of my neck, sending chills down my spine. He back hug me, swaying slowly to the imaginary music before pulling me farther into the darker area of the room. 

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