Chapter 4: Adult Children

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[Jae Hwa's POV]

Waking up all sweaty from a nightmare after a ten minute nap was not in my agenda. Just like a perverted boy barging into my room while I was changing wasn't too. After seeing me without any clothes on he past out, either from shock or over joy, but all I know is, for a skinny looking guy, he was heavy.

I try waking him up with a few soft slap to his face but no luck. With no other choice, I quickly put on my clothes and made up my mind to drag him downstairs, where the others were most likely at. Stopping and taking a break at the top of the stairs, I left him there and ran down to get help from the others. When I came upon the empty living room, that was when I realize how quiet the house was. I guess I will have to drag him down by myself then.

Halfway down the stairs, the doorbell rang, allowing me to rest for a few seconds from this burden duty. I left his unconscious body lying there on the stair as I ran down to get the door. Upon opening the door, I felt relieve because it was his two friends.

"Oh...are you guys here to get him?"

They both turn to each then back at me and shook their head.

"We came here to stay for the night." One of them said with a deep voice that I remembered from the introduction but like usual I didn't care to remember their name. "I am V and this is Jungkook just in case you forgot." He smile at me as if he just read my mind.

" said you guys are here to..."

"Stay the night." Jungkook chirped in. "Our hyung left with Jang Mi to go hangout at this new place downtown and told us not to wait up for them."

I see that but what I don't get was why did they have to stay the night at my place? They look old enough to stay by themselves and they have their own place to stay at.

"Okay...I understand that but what about your place?"

"We...kind would you put it. We kind of locked ourselves out of the house." V explained as he lick his lips while his fake glasses were falling down his nose bridge. "And we don't have an extra key."

"I guess so..." I groaned as I move to the side to let them in. "But first, I need you guys to help..." My voice drifts off as my attention turn to the loud thumps coming from the stairs.

"Never mind that." I told them as I walk over to his unconscious body that now laid at the bottom of the stair.

Both of them came to my side and help me carry him to the nearest sofa.

"What did you do to him?" V ask as he struggle the most.

"Nothing...just kind of flashed him that's all." I mumbled lowly so that they can't hear me.

"You guys can stay here comfortably and don't be too loud...I will be upstair doing my research." I huff out as I threw a pillow at him.

After turning on the TV for them, I made my way upstairs to my room. Lying about my research, I decided to surf the net to my hearts content. With classical music blasting through my headphones, I sat there not sure what to do even though I did say that I wanted to surf the net. But what?

Oh okay. Now I remember. Earlier before that weird guy..what was his name again? Was it J-Hoe or J-Hope?? Lets just go with J-Hoe since it sounds correct. Well earlier before J-Hoe came barging into my room, I had a nightmare of a bright red fire burning in hell which was really weird considering that there was fire everywhere down there. But this fire was the brightest.

With my fingers at the home key, I type away. Feeling a bit lazy to read through, I click on the first link that I saw. Finally finding what it really meant after reading through the article some more, I kind of regret searching it up.

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