Chapter 6: Plan V

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With a slow but harsh nudge to the arm, he was force into a sitting position. His hands instinctively shot up to rub the blinding spots in his visions, making its way down to scratch his slender neck. As he laid back down on his soft bed, the same hands forcefully pull him up until he was standing on his two bare feet.

Finally being able to comprehend as to what was going on, he then notice he was back in his room. Which was odd, considering that he slept over at Jae Hwa's place last night. Or is it just that he was too burnt out yesterday from the last minute study that he couldn't recall when Suga and the others came back?No matter how hard he try to recall that one specific memory, all he could think of was Jae Hwa's rejection to his heart. Which of course brought back the memory of him stealing her phone number as she slumbered away last night.

"Yah!! Stop standing there and get ready for your morning class!!" Jin ordered with a wooden spoon in one hand and a pink apron tied around his waist. "You should have gone to sleep earlier if you knew you had a final today." He lectured as J-Hope slowly nod his head with a wave of his hand for Jin to get out so he can change.

After his bathroom routine, he quickly put on his only clean pair of jean and

threw a black baseball tee over his head. As soon as he open the door, the smell of breakfast came drifting up from downstair. Not being able to help it anymore, he ran down to the kitchen with his stomach growling violently.

Everyone except Suga was already around the table and was enjoying breakfast when he arrive. He quickly sat down, knowing that he only have 15 minutes to eat and then 5 minutes to get to school before class starts without him.

" I heard." Rap Monster started off as he took a sip of his water. "You confess." His eyebrows raising up as he gave me a smile filled with dimples.

J-Hope gave him a weak smile as he took in a spoonful of the warm salty soup. He wanted to tell them the dets but for sure, V and Jungkook must have done their job already.

"So...rejected huh." Jimin laugh as he smile widely at him, teasing him mentally.

He continue to stuff his mouth with food, ignoring their lame teasing as they went on about his epic fail of plan A. Everyone put their spoon down and stare at him intently, their curious eyes burning holes into his face.

"What?" He chuckled as he swallow down some water with his food.

"Plan V?" The alien boy ask as he pointed to himself, taking credit for the second plan in case the first one didn't go as J-Hope had plan.

"Plan V." J-Hope smiled as he threw his dishes into the sink. He grab his car key and left through the door with the Alien boy cheering and being loud.

"GOOD LUCK!!!" The alien boy scream before he slam the front door shut.

J-Hope got into his white sport car and immediately his eyes went straight to the rearview mirror. His hands tentatively fixing his bangs as it hover over his eyes. Before taking off, he gave one last look at himself, helping him with boosting up his confidence level.

[Jae Hwa's POV]

My eyes wonder around the room, while the others did their last minute studying for the Physics final. The professor was a couple minute late but this was an advantage to those students who haven't even arrived yet. I laid my head down on my desk since I needed to catch up on my sleep, even if it is just for a few seconds.

My eyes were tightly shut but with senses like mine, I could still tell what was going on around me. The door open and close with silence following afterward so of course that was not Professor Han.

A Beautiful Nuisance(A J-Hope/BTS Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now