Chapter 9: Mask off and Guards down

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[Jae Hwa's POV]

Days went by very quickly and very soon I will be leaving my hometown by tomorrow morning. The sun was inches from setting and so was my ax from the wood. I was about halfway done with chopping the woods when there was a knock at the door.

First knock sounded uncertain but the following knocks afterward was more confident. For sure it was not my grandma so I wonder who it could be? Maybe some neighbors wanting to borrow some stuff?

"What are you doing here?" I question him with a scowl look on my face as soon as I open the door. There in the doorway was someone who somehow managed to make my life a little bit spontaneous. Just not in a good way.

"I think the question here is what are YOU wearing?" He ask, giving my outfit a disgusted look. I mean yes, I was wearing some loose ajumma pants with excessive colors and patterns. Not to mention an ugly button up shirt that don't even go with the pants. 

"...What about you? What kind of guy wear shorts shorter than their fingertips?" I commented, while looking at them legs. I mean it was kind of hard not to look at them especially when they look nicer than your own. And I AM A GIRL TOO! 

He must have notice me staring because before you know it, he was posing for me and walking into the house as if he was on "Korea's Next Top Model". I trail after him as he sat down on the low table in the middle of the house. He look at the rooms that surrounded us in a square shape with the middle area exposed to sunshine and rain.

"Ahh...I could live in a house like this. Watching the stars at night and eating our meals out here in the cool summer air." J-Hope exclaim as he prop his head up with his elbow to look at me

I ignore his comment as I pick up the ax and continue with chopping the woods, successfully splitting it after so many try. I place the half back up and aim the ax, ready to chop it down once more.

"Wait wait wait. Let a man do this job." He smirk as he got off his butt and walk over to me. J-Hope gave me a cocky look as he took the ax out of my hand. Steadying himself into a comfortable position, he lift it up and brought it down with so much more force than my swings. But if only he knew how to aim correctly, he would have succeeded. "Ha...I was just warming up."

J-Hope kept at it until he actually got the ax to chop off a tiny piece of wood. "Success!!" He scream as he turn to me, smiling breathlessly. I sat there and watch him struggle with the next piece and when he finally succeeded, the front door swung open.

"Jae Hwa!! Boil some water. We are having ginseng chicken tonight!!" My grandma's hearty voice rang as she barge in through the front door. Stopping in her track as soon as she sees J-Hope, who smile innocently at her. "Oh. Who is this gentleman? Your boyfriend?"

"No" "Yes" We both said at the same time with different answers.

"He is very handsome." My grandma whispers into my ear with a wrinkly smile. "Aigoo...he has so much stamina." She watch closely as he continue to chop the woods, finally getting the hang of it. "He is good in bed, right?"

"GRANDMA!!" I scream as I stare at her in shock. She wasn't the type to joke around with me but I don't understand why she is doing so now.

"I was just wondering because I am getting old and I want a great grandchild before I leave this earth, that's all. Why do you have to make such a big deal about it?" She scowl at me for screaming before going on her way to cook supper.

After dinner and cleaning up, J-Hope and my grandma disappear from my sight. They weren't out here talking like how they were just a few minute ago. Did they go walking? I mean the sky was still red from the sunset so there is still light out. But before I could find the answer to my question, loud talking came from one of the room to my right.

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