Chapter 11: Infinite Solution

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[Jae Hwa's POV]

"I don't want to hurt you." 

Those words plague my thought as the mountains are now just part of the background image with the sky. I know what I did wrong last night. I should have never let my guard down even if it help me breathe momentarily. I should have never let him in for the slightest bit and I should have never let him kiss me. But one thing that I should have never ever done that night was say those words. Either my intention is to hurt him or not, he was already in pain. 

Being so lost in my own thought, I didn't even realize that the person sitting next to me was staring until he poke me on the cheek. Letting out a sigh of annoyance, I turn to him to see what he wanted. 

"What were thinking of that made you look like you were filming a melodrama?" J-Hope's voice drift up from next to me. 

Instead of answering him, I lean my head against the window and try to get some shut eye until we arrive back. 

"I am sorry..." He apologize awkwardly even though to be correct, I should be the one apologizing right now. 

"For what? You did nothing wrong." I sigh, opening my eyes and turning to him, double checking myself just to be sure that I won't do or say anything stupid again. 

I was the one who did wrong...not you. It was not your fault for having false hope, it was my fault for giving it to you. 

He stare at me with guilty eyes that made me want to gauge my own eyes out so I won't have to see it ever again. His eyes slowly travel from my eyes to his hands that lay lifelessly in his laps. "I should have never made you open up...especially when you didn't want to. It's just after what your grandma told me...I just felt like you needed some time to let go and breathe even if it is just for a moment." 

No...what you did was right. It was something that never needs to be apologize for.  

"She told me...that after your parents pass, you laugh less and seem to close off from the outside world. And for a slightest bit, I thought that if I can force you to open up, there might be a chance you would actually fall for me. But I was wrong and I wound you all because of my greed." 

Stop! If you're hurt just say you are hurt. If you hate me for hurting you just say you hate me. Don't apologize and make me look pitiful...

My mouth open to say these thoughts that went through my head as he explain himself but no words came out. Only the slightest grunt with silence afterward. Tears didn't come out, only a unexpected lazy smile. "If after this bet end and my feelings for you remain the same, I think that it would be great to have you as a friend. What do you think?" I suggested as I look directly into his eyes but this time not out of annoyance but kindness. 

"You mean like parallel lines? Where we are just friends, no more no less?" He question as I gave a slight nod to answer him. "I hate it. For all I know, we aren't parallel lines or perpendicular lines." He say, somehow applying math into our conversation. I got to say, I may be smart but right now I am totally lost with what he was trying to imply. 

He stare at me but for some reason, they were looking at me differently as if I was someone worth being loved. Or is it that I just feel bad for him, that's why I am seeing him a bit weirdly now. J-Hope look away for a while and took in a deep breath as if he was about to do something scary or supposedly brave. "But one thing I know for sure is we are an infinite solution." He beam as he succeed in confusing me once more as he apply math into his response. 

Author's Note: 

Hey there my BEAUTIFUL readers!! I don't know if you understand anything J-Hope said to Jae Hwa but if you do then that means you also have an awesome math teacher like mine. For those who didn't quite get the cheesiness of it all, here is what it means. Parallel lines mean that they are just friends, no more no less. Perpendicular lines mean that they will go out and date but once they break up, they will go on their own way. Infinite solution means they are meant for each other. And no matter what, they will both intercept and go in the same direction together. Yes, very cheesy but who doesn't like clever and cheesiness mix. I know I like it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this short and sweet chapter. 

Yep...our beautiful J-Hope looks nice in everything he wears. Especially those pants. 

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