Chapter 18- She Wants That Old Thing Back

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Since the BET Awards I haven't spoke to Kelly much. I was still pissed of by the way things went down but now I'm moving on. I wasn't the one to hold grudges but its something about when things are kept being said over and over. Lately, I've heard the whispers back and forth about Kelly pretending regarding her injuries but I didn't believe it. She was a mature black woman, its just that LOVE can make you crazy sometimes. Even if it was true, I won't believe it because no matter what it was I had to forgive her.

So I agreed to help her with her therapy session she went to 3 times a week. It might have been the last place she wanted to be but it was where she needed to be. The amount of damage her mystery man did to her was enough to destory her self-esteem and confidence so there was no way possible that hopping up under a new man was gonna be able to solve this. So I was happy for her and daily I remembered her in prayers because she weighed on my heart constantly.

Jay offered to buy her a new place, he insisted that it would help with her recovery and she was loving it. Jay would do anything to make sure the people I loved was okay but I had to nip that in the butt because he wasn't going to be their financial provider for the things they wanted. A helping hand sure but no one's ass to ride, but I already knew that because when it came to seeing through people he was a mastermind which still makes me wonder what he knew about the night of the BET Awards. I didn't bother pressuring it out of him but I knew whatever it was he probably already dealt with it.

"Mama and Grammy will be having dinner tomorrow evening. You coming?" Jay asked breaking me from my concentration.

"Yea I think so." I responded as I watched the videos for my upcoming songs.

Since I had been in LA, I worked none stop on my videos. It was my way to forget about the Kelly drama as much as I could. So within 2 weeks time I had shot over 8 videos. The idea for the album was to have a video for each song which I fell in love with brillantly.

"What you mean by you think so?" Jay asked taking my laptop and placing it on the night stand.

"Okay fine I'll go." I said reaching across him trying to retrieved my laptop.

"Uh huh...You've been on that laptop all day. Can I have atleast have a minute of your time." He pleaded with me as he pulled me from of him.

"Jay..." I whined to him.

Since landing in NYC a day ago Jay and I have had a bet of a disagreement. He was getting impatient with me because I spent most of my time on my laptop instead of with him. On top of that he's been on the marriage and kids thought. As much as I understood were he wanted to be I personally wasn't ready and it had nothing to do with him.

"Can we atleast just spend the day together?" He asked pulling me close to him.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"Pizza, a basketball game and maybe go see TyTy and River." He said.

"I like the pizza and TyTy the most but since its your idea and its what you like I'll go along with it." I replied.

"Good then, lets get ready, I'll drive so no need to rush." He said.

I pulled my body from under the sheets covering my exposed body with one of Jay's shirt. I quickly ran into the bathroom closing and locking the door behind.I quickly turned on the shower waiting for the water to turn hot as I check my birth control pills plan.

Since he came to LA, Jay and I have had sex none stop and its been the same today. I never pushed him to use protection so instead I always made sure I was protected. For a man who had a reputation of being the condom king he sure let that guard down with me. Since Jay and I first had sex not once did he bother using protection or pulling out and I never knew why.
Everytime after sex or the day after its always the same topic and it never goes anywhere because no matter what, I'm way too scared and just no ready for kids.

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