Chapter 11- Don't You Be Ashame To Say That He Hurt You

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I looked at Kelly's hand tracing her scares with my thumb. That explains why she had on a long sleeve shirt, shades and a hat on in all this damn heat. Summer is about a 2 weeks away and the heat has been scrotching.

I looked at Kelly as her eyes filled with tears. It same like its been all she knew how to do lately. She held my legs tightly with her scared armed as she choked on her own breathing.

"Kelly. Tell me something. Please." I begged her.

No one knew who this mystery man is who she's been fucking with. She never gave us a name and we never spotted him no matter how hard we've tried.

I was starting to believe that maybe it was her body guard but that was a negative. This wasn't Kelly. She loved talking about her happiness even when her happiness turned into sorrow. Angie was starting to believe that Kelly's story about the man was fake and it was her way of bribbing money but I knew Kelly. She was hurting.

"Kelly. I know you and I haven't been the best of friends like we should but I am here for you. I am always here for you and I am willing to help you." I said sliding of the couch and bending down in front her. I watched as she rocked back and forth shaking her head. Her behavior was a little bit of.

"Kelly, I am here. I am all here for you but have to talk to me. Tell me something. Whatever this is your fighting can't be done alone." I continued.

I watched as Kelly's eyes bleed with tears. Her tears became unbearable and it started to grow worst. Her forehead and neck started to grow heated as she tripped up over her breathing trying catch her breath.

"Kelly. I need you to breathe baby!" I said standing up as I hugged. She had experience worst than I expected.

I gripped her hands lightly as I looked at her. It's worst seeing her skin all bruised and cut up but the sight of her crying like she lost a child or mother was pitful. She sat down shedding a few tears as she tripped constantly over her breath. As I notice her starting to calm down a bit I went outside to tell her producer he can leave. I reached over to my handbag and pulled out the warm water and asprian I took behind me always. I rambled through my bag until I found a bag of chips and a chocolate. I made sure I carried little items that can be life savers to a hangover, cramp, hunger or craving.

She managed to take the pill down but she was still shaking and pausing between breaths.

"Kelly drink all that water. It will help. Just take your time and I'll be right here.'' I said as I sat by her feet looking into her eyes.

She took the chocolate I had in my lap and shoved it down.

"Okay!" She said through the lump in her throat before bawling her feet under her hips.

"Everything thats been happening between me and this man has been unhealthy and happy." She said before tears started falling. "I just wanted to be love. I just wanted a relationship where I could cater to a man thats willing to love me and respect me. Instead I just ended up in one alone." She said bending her head down.

"Kelly you can't beat up yourself forever, you can't sit around and just feel sorry forever. Look at your face, look at your hands. You don't deserve this baby girl." I said slipping in the chair next to her as I took hold of her hands.

"Bey I deserve this. I did this. Time after time you tried to help me but what did I do, turn against you, mistreat you, scandalize your name. Now look, they only person here for my to talk to is you. Angie doesn't even believe me anymore. She got tired having to deal with all the shit so she gave up on me. I disrespected my mama and I havent heard from her in months." She said as she fought the words out her mouth.

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