Chapter 20

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New Amsterdam - Clinic room

Harvey slowly opened the door to Elizabeth's hospital room. It was almost half past three in the night and the lights were dimmed. Elizabeth and Scottie lay quietly in their beds with their gunshot wounds operated on. Everyone on one side of the room. The monitors above them remained silent, only the infusion pumps could be heard whirring quietly at regular intervals. Harvey closed the door and slowly hobbled over to Elizabeth's bed. Only when he first looked into the room did he look over at Scottie, who was sleeping peacefully. It was strange to see his ex-girlfriend hurt on one side of the room and his wife on the other side of the room. Harvey knew the situation was unavoidable, as there was a hospital-wide shortage of beds following the tragedy that began just over 12 hours ago at the New York Supreme Court. He was lucky to have all his friends and colleagues around him. Mike only slightly injured at the door, Louis awake and responsive again, well cared for in another room at the other end of the hallway. And Elizabeth here, recently operated on and still pregnant, lying in bed asleep. Again on many monitors, but he knew that from before and now he had no fear, it gave him security again that night. Security that everything is fine.

As soon as she reached her bed, Elizabeth woke up. With a worried feeling. But she smiled it away: "Harvey, what are you doing here?" She said tiredly.

"I didn't want you to be alone." Harvey lay down on the bed next to her and put his arm protectively around her head.

Elizabeth enjoyed this moment that brought her security.

Out of the silence, Harvey began, "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for you back in Boston. My brother told me about it too late."

Elizabeth was surprised. Why was he telling her about this now? "You had the files sealed." she said happily.

"How do you know?"

"I just know it and I'm grateful to you for it."

"Yes, it helped. But it would have been better if there hadn't been any disciplinary proceedings in the first place..." Harvey sighed: "and all because I left you alone."

Elizabeth answered calmly: "Harvey, we decided together back then that we would not let what we had become what I was subsequently accused of. It was right that each of us continued through life alone, it had to be that way . I had a good lawyer who gave me good advice and in the end, no matter what the other side said, she had the perfect answer and all charges were dropped. Closing the files gave me a fresh start... .. At first the procedure haunted me every day in my dreams, but over time I understood my mistakes and at some point I was able to understand your mother myself."

Harvey answered thoughtfully: "But everything she accused you of was a lie. Everything. We were together every day and every night for 4 weeks, we didn't do anything forbidden. You did your job correctly. You didn't have Marcus or "You didn't cross any boundaries. I forced you to keep your mouth shut about my visits. And at the age of 17, Marcus decided not to let his parents come to him."

"Yes, we both know that and Marcus does. But your mother was in an exceptional situation and didn't understand why you both could exclude her as your mother from your lives at that moment. I was..."

"...the scapegoat for all of my family's problems. My broken family. I'm still sorry about that."

"Harvey, what's wrong with you?" Elizabeth asked, very confused by his looks deep into the past.

He thought briefly about what had been said and replied: "It was a busy day and all the people together in a hospital bring back unexpected memories." Harvey placed his right hand on her stomach and gave her a kiss on the forehead. *And sometimes you have to say something before you are silent forever.*

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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