Chapter 3

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Elizabeth entered Harvey's office angrily this Monday evening. Mike sat in his gray suit in the armchair and Harvey with white shirt and dark blue suit behind his desk just over one case, over this one case.

Elizabeth. Mike said surprised.

Mike, answered her as a greeting and walked past him. She took off her warm black coat and yellow handbag. Neither Harvey nor Elizabeth said a word. They looked at each other challenging.

Mike, please go. Said Elizabeth. Furthermore, Elizabeth looked at Harvey without moving or turning her eyes away. Mike looked back and forth confused between the two.

Mike stays here. Harvey finally said.

Seconds of silence followed until Elizabeth said something: ok for point 1 he can stay, but from point 2 he leaves.

Harvey gave up, even if he didn't know exactly what it was about, and nodded to Mike.

Who postponed your chemotherapy from today to next week? Elizabeth Harvey sparkled. Mike looked irritated and frightened and it slipped quietly into him: What? Which of the two was ignored, because they were still looking at each other.


Because you told her!

Harvey looked at his papers concerned, nodded and deliberately said guilt briefly: yes.

Only to let me know you probably forgot.

Harvey now looked at her resignedly: I'm sorry.

I undone it. Elizabeth said resolutely. You can still clean up here until 8 p.m. Then Ray picks you up and drives you to the ward. Your bag is packed in the car. He will take you to the hospital room.


Harvey, the day you gave me this ring, you said: that you are happy to have a woman like me by your side so that what happened to Christian Soldman doesn't happen to you. I'm here for you now and take care of you. There is no medical reason not to start chemotherapy today.

Harvey lowered his head. Okay, I'll be on time. The meeting tonight and tomorrow morning...

Both of them have canceled by Gretchen. Ok, now point 2. Mike, please go.

Harvey nodded to Mike. Good night Harvey, see you tomorrow at the ward. Don't hurt him to much, Elizabeth.

After Mike closed the door behind him, Elizabeth took a document from her handbag and there was Harvey, who was still sitting on his desk chair.

When did you want to tell me that? Did you even want to tell me?

I wanted to say it when it's safe. Harvey said and stood up.

Why weren't you sure if Travis Tanner and Jessica Pearson already know?

Harvey was now very close to her. There is something that the two don't know and hopefully never know. Harvey faltered briefly: Inez Wood, formerly called Inez Sadler and now worked 16 years ago in Boston on pediatric oncology as a young nurse. At the same time Marcus, you and I were there. Harvey paused again. Inez reported you to the director at the time and gave lies to my mother.

Elizabeth looked thoughtfully out of the window. She wanted to destroy my life back then! And used your family for it. She finally said quietly and shocked. Before Harvey could say anything, it came out of her mouth: And now ... she does it again! You are on the list of blackmailers. Now she looked him in the face again.

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