Chapter 17

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In front of the New Amsterdam emergency room

You force me to watch you die, but I won't do that anymore. This is purely legally omitted assistance and I do not allow that."

With a pain-distorted face but resolutely, Harvey knelt in front of Elizabeth and took her in his arms. „Because I don't let anyone accuse me of not having done everything to save your life. Neither from Jacob, Emma, Donna or Mike nor from Louis or Marcus. We will do this together now. You and me. Remember your words. When you swore allegiance to me in front of the altar and that we stand together in good and bad times."

Slowly and thoughtfully, Harvey stood up with Elizabeth in his arms, because his prosthesis hurt. When he had found a firm stand, he said: „You will never be alone. Trust me."

Elizabeth looked into his brown warm eyes and surrendered to these words. She didn't fight back anymore. She had put her arms around his neck and her head to his chest. His heartbeat in her ear gave her strength and his strong arms the safety and security she just needed.

I don't want to be alone there. Harvey! I don't want to die." whispered Elizabeth, who was as weak as she was right now, last felt 2.5 years ago. At that time, she entered an emergency room with her chest pain and then fell into a coma, after which her heart stopped. She was pure afraid of being left alone again. Not to be heard, because everyone in the emergency room was busy with themselves, everyone was feeling bad, everyone needed help. „Don't leave me alone."

Don't worry, this time you're not alone. This time you have your lawyer by your side. I'll take care of you." Harvey kissed her head and stepped through the big gate of the emergency room with exhausted Elizabeth in his arms.

It was now bustling in the emergency room of the New Amsterdam, because some ambulances had now arrived. Doctors and nurses walked around. Patients were examined. Handovers between paramedics and doctors took place. The triage was running. It beeped everywhere. The treatment tables were arranged around a large counter from which you could see everything. All loungers were occupied by patients. Despite the volume and the hustle and bustle, everything here seemed to have a system. But apart from computers and files, there was no nurse or doctor at the counter. Nevertheless, Harvey headed for this counter.

Mr. Specter, suddenly called a wiry black-haired emergency room nurse. Nurse Ruth had seen him from a distance and hurled past the other patient to him. „What happened?" She asked slightly excited.

Harvey was slightly out of breath. „Elizabeth was shot in front of the Supreme Court. The ball seems to be sitting here in the thigh. I tied the wound."

Ruth carefully put her hand on Elizabeth's tied thigh, which then screamed. She quickly pulled back her hand and said: „Ms Specter?! Everything will be fine. Hold on. We can do it."

By the way, Ruth had found a free lounger and led Harvey there. Again and again she looked through the emergency room searching until she suddenly called. Dr. Godwin. Dr. Godwin. Then she waved to Dr. Godwin, the chief physician of New Amsterdam. However, he had already recognized his best paediatric oncologist from afar and ran through the busy emergency room to the three.

Harvey, what happened?" Maxwell asked Godwin when Harvey put the tired Elizabeth on the couch. Maxwell looked at Elizabeth from top to bottom, as only doctors could. He scanned them for injuries while waiting for Harvey's words.

Elizabeth was shot at the shooting in front of the Supreme Court an hour ago." Then he showed Maxwell her connected thigh. I tried to stop the bleeding. And against the pain she got 2 Vicodin, which apparently no longer work." Harvey looked Elizabeth in the face while he didn't let go of her hand. „I carried them here. I thought I was faster..."

Pearson Specter Litt - Suits Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora