Chapter 11a

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*The jury withdraws and advises.* Harvey typed into his cell phone in the early afternoon while he was still sitting in the courtroom at the dock.


24 hours earlier at the law firm Pearson Specter Litt

Since the delivery of the trial date in the morning, Harvey has repeatedly had moments in which he sat in thought in his office and tried to play through all sorts of arguments and charges to provide a safe answer to a question, because the indictment was so abstruse that he still did not understand Daniel Hardman's motive. He just couldn't figure out what Hardman could have in his hands against him and Mike. What had Inez told him? Something about him or Mike? Mike's past? Or the law firm? Or a case? Why did he complain of murder? Neither Mike nor he were near Inez outside the courtroom last week. Apart from the fact that both have not had private contact with her for almost 6 months. Does Hardman perhaps know about Inez and Elizabeth, from 17 years ago? From the slander? The file was closed forever, he had finally taken care of that. But maybe Hardman just wanted to cause trouble and bluff. But why? What was he up to?

Harvey?! Asked Mike, the absent-looking Harvey, after which he had knocked on the door and Harvey did not move.

Now Harvey looked up and discovered Mike. Mike, what a surprise. Is your sham negotiation at university over?

Yes. Mike went to the couch and let himself fall. Pfff... It wasn't really that easy.

Harvey got up smiling and slowly walked over to Mike. Did you win?

Jepp. I learned from the best. Both clapped.

Harvey then raised his eyebrows and asked with a grin: You bluffed?!

Jepp. Mike said proudly. But all just for my client. She has now got her dog and the house in the Hamptons.

Fine, then you learned something today. Winning sometimes consists of compromises. Harvey said and then looked thoughtfully at him again.

Mike picked up Harvey's mood directly: Harvey, what's going on? Something is wrong here.

Harvey slowly pushed a white envelope over him. Tomorrow is the hearing.

But we knew it was going to happen, so what's going on?

What does Hardman want? For hours I have been trying to find out what is actually behind the indictment, what does he want to distract from?

We know that too, revenge! For kicking him out of the company because of the embezzlement of almost 3 million dollars and blackmailed with his affair. He wants to see you suffer.

But that can't be all. We don't see something. Harvey shook his head and buried his face in his hands.

Mike started again: Maybe we should pull Jessica in and tell her everything. Such a cool head from the outside .... Maybe it will help us thinking out of our box.

We had also discussed this before. We will only involve Jessica into the bare essentials...we have to do the rest on our own. She put her law firm and her admission at the risk at the time because of us, not again. Harvey slowly shook his head when it suddenly knocked on the office door and Jessica stood in the door.

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