Chapter 2

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Lawfirm Hardman Zane

Mr Hardman, Travis Tanner is here for her, said Sandra, his young secretary. Daniel Hardman had just remembered again how a woman from pre-trial detention called him 2 weeks ago because she was looking for a top lawyer who would have an open bill with Harvey Specter. At these thoughts, a smile came over his face.

Mr. Tanner, you will bring me the application personally?!

Mr. Hardman, not only that. I have enough plaintiffs who will testify against their client.

How nice for them, that's no use to them. I will tear them all apart in the air, because they are all with baseless accusations against an innocent young woman.

Ah yes, do you really think so? Then we'll see each other again in court.

Say a nice greeting to Mike Ross and Harvey Specter from me and our now common acquaintances.

Why should I do that? Travis Tanner asked irritated.

Oh, you don't know that yet? Tztztz. But you did poor research on that. Mike Ross is my client's ex-boyfriend and Harvey Specter is his boss and best friend. And don't you say that revenge is a foreign word to him?

I think I'd rather stick to the hard facts before I go to your level. And these are my plaintiffs and not any personal connections of your client. You just want to distract.

Oh, maybe!? And did I succeed? I think so. I'm looking forward to seeing you again, said Daniel Hardman with a diabolical smile on his face. Oh, by the way, I have already requested a public hearing and I think Judge Salomon, my old friend, will do so.


Jessicas Office

It has been a quiet day at work for everyone so far and outside there was another winter day with a lot of snow. In the office, everything worked out like clockwork. As always, the contracts were perfectly and timely prepared and the young lawyers were so well trained by Louis that they did good work even under the greatest stress, which hardly needed any corrections. Mike had another exam day and would not enter the office until later.

After a long phone call, Harvey made his way to Jessica's office at the other end of the hallway with a thoughtful face. He knocked on the glass door because Jessica was immersed in a phone call. When she looked up, she waved Harvey to herself. He sat down on her couch while Jessica spoke a few words on the phone to say goodbye.

Harvey, what can I do for you? You don't look good.

Harvey looked at her irritated, because she rarely spoke to him so directly. Jessica, I need to talk to you. Harvey was pressing around. Travis Tanner just called me. The only plaintiff in the case against Mike's ex-girlfriend has just jumped off.

Now Jessica looked irritated: Harvey, come out, what do you have to do with this case?

I want to testify against Inez.

Does that have anything to do with the list?

Yes, Inez tried to blackmail me with my illness.

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