Chapter 12 - I'm kind of lost *Final Chapter*

Start from the beginning

When he dropped his hands, something came in front of his eyes, playing like a forgotten movie.

He saw sweaty bodies jumping up and down, moving in sync with the loud music. The smell of alcohol, smoke and sweat mixed made his eyes burn as he pushed the closest bodies that were blocking his way. He sat at a stool and started downing shot after shot.

He blindly made his way to the door, holding his hand in front of him. When he felt wood against his hand, he stopped and knocked on it loudly just in case they didn’t hear.

He looked around watching the people who were having the time of their life, while he was sulking on his misery and angriness. He eyed person after person until his eyes met a pair of golden brown orbs.

The door creaked open and a gentle hand gripped him by his arm, pulling him slowly forward. Niall whose eyes had dried from tears, put on a poker face. He didn’t let his feelings show!

“Come on Niall, you’re finally going home” the same voice as before said sounding sympathic, but Niall didn’t need no one’s sympathy.  Niall didn’t say anything, he just let the other boy guide him out of the room and down the stairs. He couldn’t walk fast though, due to the pain that he felt with every step he took.

He thought he heard a yell from somewhere behind him, but he convinced himself that he had imagined it, until it happened again. He chose to ignore it. It had nothing to do with him, even if they had captured someone else.

“Ignore it” the voice said and Niall just nodded. He heard the scream again and he noticed that it sounded muffled.

Niall heard a door open, and a cold wind hit him in the face. This time he felt a hand behind his knees and the hand from his arm slid to his waist. He let out a yelp when he didn’t feel the ground under his feet.

“Stairs” The boy informed him and Niall felt him move while the boy carried him down a few stairs.

“I could have walked on my own” Niall said in an annoyed tone, and the boy let out a low raspy chuckle

“I know you could, but that would have hurt! Trust me, I know the feeling”  Niall’s face heat up when he noticed the slightly teasing edge on the boy’s voice. So they knew what had happened last night. That made Niall feel even more used than he felt before.

“So he told everyone huh… typical” Niall huffed when the other boy placed him on the ground again

“Not exactly” the boy said, and Niall could practically hear him smiling form the tone of his voice.  “I have to somehow get you in the car now”

“I can get in on my own, just tell me where it is” Niall snapped

“Take a step on your right and you’ll be able to touch it” the voice said, so Niall did what he was told and took a step on his right stretching his hand in front of him. His fingers touched the cold metal and soon enough his hand went inside a space. He guessed that was the opened door, so he moved his hand until he was gripping the side and slowly climbed in.

“Did you get him in?” He heard a voice a few feet away, and the voice that had accompanied him in the past few minutes answered with a simple ‘yes’

He heard a few steps nearing him, and the car shifted when the others got in.  He felt someone lean over him to close the door on his side, but just before the door closed he heard a ear piercing scream, and it was his name. He turned his head so hard he almost had a whiplash, but the car started and he didn’t have the guts to ask them who screamed.

Zayn had most probably left. He didn’t know how many people were there in the car with him, but he also didn’t care. He knew there was someone on his side, but nothing more.

Just One Time (Ziall) - BoyxBoy ✔️Where stories live. Discover now