Cornea Obscura

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My downward spiral commences in presence of such beauty,
A lovely face and golden firm body likened that of opiates to me,
Each time we made love my addiction reached heavenly heights,
However our conversation could inspire hellacious fights,

Our body's fit each other like hand in glove,
But our minds could not comprehend our tight knit love,
My soul has been permanently damaged due loss of my drug,
I've searched over twenty years for a replacement there of,

Denying myself the pleasure of other women,
For even in pursuance her image in my mind was buried in,
I can't find the courage to detoxify from her euphoria,
I guess I'm cursed to live alone with her image on my cornea.

~ Farls Tokley

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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