Visionary Triangulation

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Visions of triangular art dance in my head,
Born memories of two women I think of often in bed,
Alone of course as I'm destined to be a singularity,
Love life between three requires a touch of dexterity,

Daydreams frolic between the two this way and that,
I believe indecision also killed that cat,
Curiosity certainly did me no good in my real life escapade,
One commitment covered up another no median barricade,

To protect me or the feelings of one girl or the other,
How could I ever tell this story to my mother?
For that's not the moral code she instilled in me,
I decided to wing it and live life dangerously,

I had built a house of cards using only the hearts,
Now it's my portrait on walls poked full of darts,
And as it all came crashing down around me,
I realized I'm an asshole and it hurt profoundly,

I think of these two both daily and nightly,
Dumbfounded neither has attempted to fight me,
Although I've gained immense respect for the duo over the years,
Thoughts of losing both always brings me to tears.

~Farls Tokley

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