Love Makes & Breaks

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Love the intangible feeling some grasp at its meaning,
I guess it all depends on subject matter you're gleaning,
It's something you long for then wish it away,
It's your forlorn friend too frightened to stay,

Use it or lose it just like every other muscle,
You definitely need strength cause it's up for a tussle,
Don't take it for granted it's a proud entity,
Take it slow it's best won in stages incrementally,

Sometimes it's even capable of killing,
The only thing that can stop it is your spiritual filling,
And some people just don't possess kind inner workings,
They lack impulse control and want multiple servings,

It's best to stay tuned to warm light on the spectrum,
That way warm souls will know what to expect from,
You when you're seeking out the right partner,
Trust me there's no methodology that's smarter,

So please take your time, don't settle for second best,
Love can make or break you at play or at rest,
I'll leave you now with one last line so insightful,
It's best not to waste time on lovers in self denial.

~ Farls Tokley

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