The Trade Off

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Losing my true love has been my greatest suffering,
A practical joke made in my timeline to enable discovering,
Ability to hone my senses to solve almost any conundrum,
Before this great loss, problems were easy to run from,

So I should thank the universe for its stellar sense of humour,
Otherwise my growing IQ would be a laughingstock rumour,
As it stands most people don't find my jokes laughable,
I guess after my love pangs that brain part is detachable,

It's been detached for so long now I think it's disappeared,
All I think of is solving the worlds biggest problem in years,
The tears of our Mother Earth have washed my brain clean,
Now I must do same for her so I'll build a filtered air machine,

I figured just maybe if I cure this mystery before us,
Karma will pay me back by reigniting her love and lust,
In the same token I could say my motivation was altruistic,
I don't want my son and his offspring to be another statistic,

Either way I'll see myself to building this contraption,
It's pretty much the only goal of mine that gives satisfaction,
Maybe if my luck changes I'll stumble upon a magic lantern,
I'll rub it til a genie appears, a fully licensed wish grantor,

I've thought about this scenario before, many a time,
My final decision is to ask for a mystical pen so sublime,
So when I write words on a page their meaning becomes reality,
First story I'd put down in ink would be a family rated fantasy,

I'd go back in time and start at day one of our relationship,
Money would be no object and conversation wouldn't lack for quips,
We'd experience a lifetime full of joy before our son was born,
Then double our fun as we raise him with wisdom forewarned,

There'd be no reason to worry on our way to ever after,
I'd create journey after journey, some place new every chapter,
If only this were true for typing on this portable device,
I'd type out words "he hugs her now and kisses her so nice. "

~Farls Tokley

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