Love Squared Heartache Cubed

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Their beautiful lips seemed infused with magic,
Without their kisses life seems so tragic,
Love is a curse and blessing the same,
It's impossible to hold as well as to tame,

This undefinable mystery feeling,
Lends itself well to duplicitous dealings,
Especially when you have so much to offer,
And it spills over to secondhand proffer,

But if limited to a true soulmate,
Heartstrings create concerto of fate,
The music inspires a life worth living,
Seen with synesthete eyes heads start spinning,

Some say love of two women is heaven,
But being doubly in love is a hell hard to live in,
It's an impossible choice you have to make,
Unless both lovers have had all they can take,

Leaving you alone blindsided bereft,
So deeply hurt they upped and left,
Onlookers may say you deserve what you got,
But in my heart I'm losing the plot,

You don't just decide to fall for two souls,
Natural selection faults have you falling in holes,
So for those faced with this very scenario,
Think twice before playing Lothario, for you reap what you sow.

~Farls Tokley

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