Lovesick Logic

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A glance of your photo can bring me to tears,
Every night I replay our glory years,
Those many special nights we'd melt into each other,
One soul in ecstasy without care or bother,

It is my one true wish to win back your heart,
I'm simply miserable without you a la carte,
Your body is God's masterpiece how I used to stare,
Thoughts of you bring hot flashes it's painful to bear,

I need you, I want you I'm insanely in love,
I keep failing to inform you when push comes to shove,
I'm achingly lovesick when you're not around,
Which is always, it's too much and I break down,

I sob like a child I don't know what to do,
Because I know I'm undeserving of a girl like you,
I guess I'm destined to suffer til death of love sickness,
I hope you read these words and your heart bears witness,

I've pined over you for decades and a bit,
You are my addiction my mind just won't quit,
I think of our young naked bodies writhing in ecstasy,
I'm instantly tumescent wishing you were next to me,

I whisper your name on repeat like a mantra,
And soon enough I edge my way to tantra,
It's your face I see every night before sleep,
Before I switch to prayers wishing you were mine to keep.

Forgive me please I'm not too proud to beg you,
I'll try harder, I'm wiser now and won't misconstrue,
The signals and facial cues that used to escape me,
Now let's reunite letting love rule innately.

~ Farls Tokley

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