Love Switch

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When you're all alone living through a heartbreak,
There's not much to be done but portray a smile that's fake,
Why didn't God equip us with on/off switch as it pertains to love?
A flick of the finger could conclude when push comes to shove,

Instead I'm left alone to wallow, whine and cry the blues,
Every minute of everyday a lonesome sadness accrues,
No other woman could ever substitute for my loss,
Try as I might she wears round neck like an albatross,

If only we could harness the power of people with love lacking,
There'd be no wars over oil we'd have no need for attacking,
This new and unique source of fuel would never run out,
Because every second a new heart is broken no doubt,

Instead we're all left to deal with days as they come,
Love sickness is not contagious but you'll assuredly succumb,
To this unfortunate feeling that's part of growing wiser,
You have to get back on your horse and ride to entice her,

If that doesn't work then you have to fiercely march forward,
For when lost at sea there's no choice but swim shoreward,
Keep a stiff upper lip and hope for the best,
If you lose your true love you'll have to choose from the rest.

~ Farls Tokley

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