Rainbow : Day One

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Summary : Due to some personal issues I will not be uploading as often. I will continue to do weekly posts until I run out of chapters. Thank you all for the support up until now.

"Again!" Fon ordered Hibari and Sakura on the roof of Namimori school

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"Again!" Fon ordered Hibari and Sakura on the roof of Namimori school. The two pushed each other back. They were breathing hard as they had been sparing all morning. No flames were allowed as they weren't in a controlled environment.

"The royale begins in one day and you two have made no progress." Fon sounded a bit disappointed. Hibari turned a glare at Fon. Sakura stood up straight. "What do you suggest we do differently? We've been sparing for three days and only now you're pointing out that we haven't improved? Some direction would be nice." Sakura called him out. Fon looked over at the Yakuza Princess before he went over to the couple.

"Direction hmm?" Fon stood in front of them. He looked at The Yakuza Princess. "Sakura, you are still adapting to Kyoya's fighting style." Fon turned to look at Hibari. "Kyoya, you are stuck in the same style and need to adapt and change to be a better fighter." The couple exchanged glances. They were both thinking the same thing. How in the world could they change so they could fight better?

Fon nodded to both of them. "I'll let you figure it out and we shall try again tomorrow." he excused himself leaving them alone. Sakura looked at him before she sighed. She let her legs give out as she sat on the roof. He looked down at her. "You okay?" he was a bit worried that he hadn't held back enough.

She smiled at him. "Yes. I'm okay. I... I just don't know what else to do Kyo. I can fight against you all day and nothing is going to change." She seemed settled in defeat. He looked away as he thought about all their current fights. What else could he do? What was there that he was missing? Was it her? He glanced at her. She was now lying flat on the roof and looking up at the sky. "Sakura." he called her. "Is it my fault? I don't feel the twins anymore. Is it because I don't feel them anymore that I've gotten weaker?" She turned her head to look at him.

So many thoughts went through the boy's head. Was it her? No... it had to be him right? He couldn't grow as a fighter with her because she had already adapted to him. What he needed to see was her. He needed to watch her fight. "It's not you." He assured her. "It's all me. I need to watch you instead of you watching me all the time." he answered her honestly. He turned his back to her and faced the gate looking out at his school.

The choice was there. Eventually he was going to have to pick between her or his school and it was starting to eat him. His princess was going to leave his school and he would need to decide if he was going to stay at his school or follow her. Because of this choice it was starting to affect his fighting style. In a way he didn't want to grow as a fighter with her because he would give up his school to side with her. "I'll figure it out." he told her and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He then left the roof leaving her there while his thoughts invaded his mind.

The couple didn't meet up for the rest of the day and before they knew it the first day of the representative battle had arrived.

Sakura was with the track team stretching when her watch went off. "One Minute remaining until battle commences." It announced. A couple of students look over at her. She got up. "Sorry. Committee stuff." she passed it off.

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