Future : Vongola Decimo

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Summary : Ah watching Tsuna grow up and act a lot like Primo is so refreshing. I hope you are all enjoying it as well. Lately I've been fangirling over code geass. Maybe that'll be my next project. Until then, Enjoy today's chapter. Also what's up with Sakura. Why is she acting to strange?

Tsunayoshi and Yamamoto started heading towards the Milliefore base

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Tsunayoshi and Yamamoto started heading towards the Milliefore base. But there was something wrong. Tsunayoshi stopped and said, "I get the feeling I'm going round in circles... I've been here before, I know I have." he commented frowning. Yamamoto on the other hand continued to advance while Gokudera stayed behind to protect the base. Before they knew it Yamamoto said, "I've got visual confirmation on the millefiore base unit. Should I go on the attack?" One could easily tell that Irie asked Yamamoto to hold on as the boy floated there with his swallow flying around him in circles.

The course of the battle was starting to shift. Irie was forced to make a choice. Gokudera was the only one guarding him. Yamamoto was in position. Tsunayoshi was stuck... he had to do it and encouraged Yamamoto to go on the attack.

Yamamoto rushed at Daisy! Spanner watched the decoys continue to be destroyed at a rapid pace. "Gokudera-kun! Kikyou has crossed into the line of defense!" Gokudera was calm. "Yeah. I can see explosions off in the distance." he was ready to battle. Irie didn't need to warn him of anything he knew what he needed to do.

There was only one problem: Kikyou was fast. No... he had godly speed. It was unbelievable. He was only inches in front of Gokudera's face. The bomber dodged as fast as he could but Kikyou was relentless.He kept getting closer to Gokudera. "Don' take your eyes off him" Squalo warned him. The smirk never left the cloud guardian as he knocked Gokudera down then went above him to attack. "Why, you..." And Gokudera kicked him in the gut, sending him upwards. Kikyou was quick like a certain Yakuza princess, he flipped and landed safely.

"Uri!" Gokudera called his cat who sneezed. "You did well there. Good work." he praised right before the cat scratched him. "Now..." he narrowed his eyes at Kikyou. "You... you're not getting past me. Not with these five waves... and the new sistema CAI on my side!" He said all five of his rings were ignited. But it was pointless. "The hell is this?" he demanded. His belt was covered in vines.

"Something is sealing off his boxes! He can't open them like that." The Cedef boy pointed out. "Gokudera's Vongola box is an extension of his sistema CAI with the sistema CAI sealed off, he can't use his Vongola box either." Reborn pointed out. Sakura stood up straight. "Gokudera-kun..." she muttered hoping he'd used that head of his.

Kikyou laughed. "I'll be going now." "Wha. Why you... You're running away?" Gokudera couldn't believe it. But he was unable to fight with the vines on his belt. He watched Kikyou run. "An elegant retreat is but another means of combat." he pointed out as he flew away. "Damn it all! He got past me. Sorry Irie." Gokudera yelled out, frustrated with himself. Irie and Spanner both laughed it off. No matter what Gokduera bought them enough time to repair Tsuna's contacts. But it wasn't the contacts that were broken. No. It was his hyper sense that helped him reveal that he was caught in an illusion. "O sorrowful being..." A voice filled the space around Tsuna. The young Vongola leader froze. He knew this voice. "It's Torikabuto." he announced. "It looks like I didn't defeat him after all... I suspect I'm still... trapped inside... Torikabuto's illusion!"

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