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A/n: let your mind be blown by evil kenny.... duhduhduhhhhhh

×carter pov×

It had been a week since matt has moved in. Everything was perfect. He had gotten a job at Movie Plaza and had been cooking meals for us. Matt supposedly had been going to Culinary School before he couldn't pay any more of the fees.

I walked into the kitchen to see matt cooking fried rice.

"Are you making fun of me Matty?" I laugh.

"Mmm, I D K? Winky Face." Matt spoke in text format, which caused me to roll my eyes. I smiled dispite that, Matt and I had become extremely close, so close he doesn't even sleep in the second room anymore.

I had caught feelings so quickly too it made my head spin, thank god I wasn't alone though. He had too, but didn't ask me out right then and there when I told him yesterday. We did fuck though, so I guess that's a plus.

He finished cooking and plated the food making it look all fancy. I laughed at his face while he did so, his tongue peeking from his lips and his eyes squinted. It was really cute and all but he really did look ridiculous.

We ate and packed up the leftovers putting them in the fridge. Then we fought over who did the dished for like a hour bedore we did rock paper scissors, he ended uo doing them eventually even after I lost.

"Matt, baby, do you hear that?" I asked truly terrified, because one, a scary movie was on, and two, the noise scared the shit out of me.

"Yeah, let me go check it out." He said standing up and pausing the movie at the same time.

He walked towards the noise which was coming from my room. Who ever was in there must have sneaked in through the fire escape in there. I heard a bang and a thud followed by things shattering. I jumped up and ran into the room where it was heard.

I ran in to see Matt on the floor in a pool of his own blood, a man with curly brownish blonde hair dressed in all black and a gun in hand. He shot me in the leg once then escaped through the window.

The pain was excruciating, but matt was badly wounded. I needed to get to the phone. I limped over to my phone and called 911.

"911 whats yo-"

"My boyfriend and I have just been shot by some guy in our apartment." I rushed. "My apartment number is 31st and we live at the apartment building on Hemlock Grove."

"Stay with me sir, I am sending a Officer and Paramedics there now."

"Okay." I limped back over to the lifeless body of my boyfriend and saw his chest move.

"He's breathing! Oh my god!"


"Your boyfriend is okay Mr.Reynolds, we are more worried about you and the child in your stomach." A kind nurse tells me.

(Bitch you guessed it. You was right. Mpreg.)

"I am not one of those male-womaney dudes! I can not have kids!" I yelled at the woman, I think her name was Lucille.

"Have you been tested, sir?" She says calmly. I'm guessing she's been yelled at a lot.

"Uh, well, no?" I stuttered, realizing she maybe right.

"Okay then. Maybe we should give an altrosound to see your twns okay?" She smiles at me.

"Twins?" I whisper to myself in amazement. I made a child, well two.

//only updating for @postraumatic idek if we still cool but i love her.//

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