Chap. 30 - Until the Last Breath

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The combined group of commando and regular clones, with the support of the young Padawan, advanced without resistance through the long, dark underground corridors. The Delta Commando squadron was perfectly capable of achieving this mission alone, but the extra help made progress much easier.

Roy stayed in front, as his reflections and his two blades of light were always ready to stop enemy shots. Behind them, Boss, Fixer and Scorch maintained constant fire with their powerful DC-17M rifles, while Sev took down more specific and dangerous targets with his sniper variant rifle. And their powerful Katarn-class armor was capable of withstanding a lot of enemy fire.

Meanwhile, Mayday and the rest of the clones went behind them, providing fire support, and ensuring that no Genocian or droid would weaken them or attack them from the rear.

Meanwhile, Mayday and the rest of the clones went behind them, providing fire support, and ensuring that no Genocian or droid would weaken them or attack them from the rear

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The group's advance was so rapid that the defense troops were not able to be mobilized in time to cut them off, even knowing that they were approaching. The majority was concentrated to stop the main group led by General Pablo. By the time they regained track of the group, it was too late.

The door to the control room burst violently, and before the smoke was even able to disperse, a silhouette rushed forward frantically, passing by all the members of the room and attacking those who were furthest from the room. exit.

Two beams of light, one blue and the other purple, that crossed the smoke screen like the announcement of the justice they represented. The remaining genocians and droids soon left their consoles and went for their weapons, but before they even had the chance to attack the young Padawan, the clones entered, cutting down every last one of them.

Scorch: - This has been... Easier than usual. -

Boss: - Let's not waste time. Fixer, do your thing. -

Fixer: - In gear. -

The commando clone with green markings on his armor was a beam of technology. There was no system that he could not hack or console whose operation he was not able to understand. Genotian technology was very different from that of Kamino, but with his intellect and an encryption device, it didn't take him long to find a way to access the systems.

Fixer: - And... Ready. Jamming radars disabled. -

As soon as he gave the signal, the clone in command soon checked the allied frequencies with the command center, located in an out-of-orbit Venator.

Boss: - This is Commander Boss speaking... Does anyone receive me? -

Luminara: - I receive it loud and clear, commander. -

Boss: - The jamming signal has been disconnected. Frequency channels should be available. -

Luminara: - Aware. We do not know the situation on the ground, as we have not yet heard from the rest of the groups. Commander, complete your objectives and join the 194th Battalion until further instructions. -

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