Chap. 13 - Mortal Danger

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Unfortunately, Roy didn't find anything interesting following that Rodian. Just an extremely humble house, but better than many of the "homes" of the most needy. The young Padawan glanced here and there at any place that caught his attention. But he found nothing but misery and suffering. He cursed the Hutts for their miserable regime, but his cool mind allowed him to take things calmly and not do anything crazy. For now, the best thing would be to return to his teacher. Something not easy, because he had to use his tracking abilities for that, because the Force would not help him sense it.

Pablo, on the other hand, had caught the big fish. Dunkan turned out to be the owner of the imposing mansion in which Tukk and Doss were waiting impatiently, and the coincidences were very opportune.

The Jedi could sense the presence of his comrades inside, and smiled upon learning of his fortune. Now, he just had to figure out a way to sneak in without being discovered.

It did not seem like it was going to be an easy task, since the mansion lacked poorly protected places, and despite its visible luxuries, if you looked closely you could see that it was a highly decorated bunker, with no entrances beyond the main entrance. , and with windows designed to prevent intruders.

Pablo looked everywhere looking for a way to get in, but the idea he had did not please him in the least. Near him, the enormous metal cover that gave entrance to the sewers. Through there he would surely be able to access somewhere in the immense gardens that surrounded the mansion. There had to be some way...unfortunately.

Meanwhile, still inside the ship, Tesla and Hammer were slowly heading to check the source of the noise they heard. They were extremely alert, with their rifles raised aimed where their eyes were placed, but even with their helmets with sensors that improved their detection capabilities they could not find anything.

Tesla: - You're paranoid. He told you that he hadn't heard anything. -

Hammer: - I'm not playing. I'm telling you I heard something. -

Despite Telsa's clear refusal, Hammer continued searching for any sign of movement among the drawers and nooks of the ship, but he was unable to find anything, and had to return to where his companion was somewhat embarrassed.

Tesla: - Well? Did you find the terrible beast that was hiding in the drawers? "He-He said with a rather mocking tone.

Hammer: - Shut up. I thought I heard something. Better safe than sorry. -

Tesla: - Yes, yes. As you say. Come on. We still have more boxes to unload. I'm starting to think you just wanted to take a break. -

Hammer: - Ha. It takes a lot more than that to tire me out. But this helmet is unbearable. -

And what he said was not uncertain. Hammer's helmet was much heavier than the rest, since it belonged to sentry armor, as more armor and weight than any standard cuirass. And being such an old model, it was almost fifty percent heavier than their standard clone armor. And they were still wearing the phase 1 armors.

Still, when he took off his helmet, and his hairless, sweat-filled head managed to capture some freshness, all hell broke loose. Hidden from the gaze of the clones, using all its infiltration and camouflage mechanisms, a murder machine was hiding among the mechanisms and pipes of the freighter. A machine that very few clones were unlucky enough to witness.

Chameleon droids were an extremely rare unit, and their infiltration capabilities made them a formidable enemy. Making use of hundreds of holographic projections, camouflage, and mechanisms that interfered with electric and electromagnetic fields, it was a unit capable of passing by you without even noticing, just as Yoda himself would experience in the frozen wastelands of Ilum.

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