Chap. 29 - Jumping Barricades

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Oblivious to all the conflict that was brewing in the landing zone, Roy and the rest of the clones advanced at a brisk pace through the intricate caves of the mountain system. Getting closer to your goal. Getting closer to the enemies.

The Genocian patrols were not able to detect the infiltrators, using both cover and shadows to go unnoticed. Every step they took took them deeper into a path of no return. Each pass closed their chance of escape. But none of them were going to back down. Not that days. His brothers depended on it.

Nine: - We should be close by now. -

Roy: - A few more meters and we should reach the objective. Are the loads ready? -

Clone: ​​- Yes, sir. There will be no possible way for a wall to withstand so much power. -

Roy: - Very good. Once we enter we will be exposed. Take advantage of the confusion and look for cover. Cover each other's backs... I forbid you to die today... Understood? -

Clones: - Yes, sir. -

However, everyone knew that those would be difficult orders to follow. But they would not be cowed. Not now that they were so close. The charges were placed. The timer was already running. The clones and the Padawan waited nervously behind the rocks to cover themselves from the explosion. The moment had arrived.


The explosion shook much of the facility, alerting both enemies and allies. Roy's group entered the facility from the north side, through the colossal hole that one of the walls now had.

Roy in front, brandishing his two lightsabers with particular fierceness. Destroying every droid and blinding the life of every Genocian who was too close.

Behind him, Nine and the rest of the clones followed him without hesitation. Unloading all his ammunition against any target that crossed his sights.

This surprise attack was a hard blow for the Genosian forces, since the least they expected was an incursion from the rear. Every clone present fought with enviable fierceness. Each one like a one-man army.

The blue blasters intersected with the plasma balls and the red blasters. Swords of blue and mauve light danced like a deadly dance between the dust and darkness. Screams of agony echoed through the chambers, as well as the peculiar sound of metal being cut by the brutality of the concentrated beam of light.


Roy raised his head, blinded by the constant rain of enemy gunfire and the darkness of the place. A Genocionao launched itself at the Padawan from above. Unable to be seen. Unable to be detected.

Roy didn't even have time to defend himself against the enemy that was charging at him, when the shot of an allied blaster felled the threat while its wielder landed next to him. All without stopping shooting forward.

Clone: ​​- Are you okay, Lieutenant? -

Roy: - I think so. I owe you a sergeant. -

Clone: ​​- I didn't even mention it. -

Roy: - What is your name, soldier? -

Clone: ​​- Clone CT-7368. But they call me Mayday, sir. -


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