Chap. 12 - Cyrkon

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"Long before the fall of the Republic, when Cyrkon was first colonized, it had been an ideal, almost idyllic world, situated perfectly in the habitable zone of its only star. Since then, the atmosphere had become poisonous as industrial and commercial enterprises had filled it with toxins. The temperature had skyrocketed, the surface had begun to overheat, resulting in a runaway greenhouse effect, which meant that all inhabitants had to live within domed cities with regulated temperature and atmosphere controls. These cities became overcrowded and neglected."
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Under such hostile conditions the small group of four clones, master and padawan were going to operate. Their objective was located in the capital city of the planet: Motok, one of those imposing cities covered by a dome that maintained a stable environment for life inside.

 Their objective was located in the capital city of the planet: Motok, one of those imposing cities covered by a dome that maintained a stable environment for life inside

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The light freighter

Now, with Hammer at the controls, the A huge spaceport as big as the eye could see.

Tesla: - Oh oh. This will be more complicated than I thought. - He said overwhelmed when he saw the immensity of the place.

Tukk: - What's wrong, Lieutenant? He is afraid of big cities. -

Doss: - What worries me are the inhabitants. -

Pablo: - Don't worry, Lieutenant Doss, our objective is to neutralize contacts between the Separatists and criminal gangs. If we act properly it should not cause problems for civilians. -

Roy: - Well... We have to start somewhere. What clues do we have? -

Pablo: - Nothing really. We only know that treaties are taking place in this city, but we don't have a name or a place to start. -

Hammer: - So... We have no idea what to do?... Or what to look for? -

Pablo: - Calm down, captain. Not many dare to use the Hutt name to do their thing. We will surely find the first clue if we listen correctly. -

Tukk: - We must stop for now. Port control is approaching. -

What the commander said was true, because when they looked through the windows of the ship they could see three individuals approaching. The one in the middle was a Rodian who had a somewhat worn blue uniform, and the other two behind him seemed to be the area's security force, with blasters loaded and ready to shoot.

Tesla: - It seems that security is somewhat strong in this area. -

Pablo: - If you live under the Hutt territories then you will want to be armored at all times. Come on. Let's not keep our hosts waiting. -

The interview with the port guard was quite simple. The four clones disguised as bounty hunters introduced themselves to the "authorities" as a group new to the business. Normally they would ask more questions, but when they said they were transporting Republic weapons to sell on the black market they didn't even think twice. Meanwhile, double climbing the scaffolding of a crane without anyone detecting them, Pablo and Roy were watching how everything was going smoothly.

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