Chap. 3 - Steel Wall

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Roy swung his lightsaber without holding back, slicing through the hundreds of tins displayed in front of him. The OOM unit in charge of the defense had no idea what was happening, and by the time the reports came in it was too late. The gate of the capital city of Gala had fallen, and the thousands of troops of the 194th poured like a white tide into the city.

With security assured in the area, Pablo-Jill and the commander met at the entrance.

Pablo-Jill: - Commander. Good job breaking those defenses. -

Clone Commander: - Thank you very much, General. -

Pablo-Jill: - And... Where is my Padawan? -

Clone Commander: - This... you'll see... -

Pablo-Jill: - He's in front with the rest, right?

Clone Commander: - Yes... sir. -

Just as the clone claimed, the enthusiastic Roy couldn't sit idly by while the rest of his men hogged all the fun. The capital city of Gala was practically surrendered and only a few isolated groups remained. Even so, the Padawan remained at the head of a very enthusiastic group.

While the young man reflected the shots coming from the droid formations, the clones behind him responded under the security of their new commander, and at his side was a very particular clone. He was a captain, with his characteristic blue patterns decorating his armor. He was leading a sizeable group of troops and recklessly wielding a Z-6 rotary cannon. A brutal weapon that devastated the battlefield.

Roy: - Nice toy. - He said jokingly while reflecting several enemy blasters.

Clone captain: - Yours is not bad either, boy. -

Roy: - Roy. Roy Cameron. -

Clone Captain: - Hammer. -

Roy: - I thought you guys didn't use names. -

Hammer: - We may be clones, but we are all different. -

Roy: - A pleasure to fight by your side, Captain Hammer. -

Hammer: - Same here, Commander Roy. -

After seeing a gap in the enemy defenses, the captain ordered his troops to advance. Roy led the way, making a perfect shield for the clones, who welcomed the young Padawan's presence. The young man was somewhat temperamental and stubborn, but he seemed to have a notion of how to protect his own.

Combat continued for several hours, clearing the capital city of every trace of droids, until completely unexpectedly, the droids stopped firing and shut down. As if they had suddenly run out of power. The clones remained attentive, even so, Roy approached the closest one to see what had happened. He punched and kicked them a couple of times, but this one just wouldn't budge. Until the captain received a call on the commander's holo-comm.

Clone Commander: - Good job gentlemen. He informs us that the Lucrehulk ship was shot down, and with it, all droid control in the sector. Gala is freed from the separatist occupation. Officers, meet me at the entrance. Commander Roy, if you're hearing this, the general wants to see it. -

The clones turned and looked at the young Padawan, who had the face of someone who knew he was in for a good scolding.

Hammer: - First day and you've already made the general angry. Congratulations. It's all a record. I doubt anyone can top it. - The comment provoked laughter from all the clones who heard it.

Roy: - Ha ha. Very funny. - He said ironically.

Hammer: - All right, guys. Pick it all up and take those scraps to the nearest recycling center. -

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